31 ➹ this is me trying

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this is me trying  | taylor swift ❝ it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open woundit's hard to be anywhere these days when all i want is you ❞

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this is me trying  | taylor swift
❝ it's hard to be at a party
when i feel like an open wound
it's hard to be anywhere these days
when all i want is you ❞

"SHE BEGGED ME me to not be mean to her Rain!" Fuck, that was on her mind when I was hugging her? I was trying to not rethink the whole plan or worse get a hard-on and she was scared I was going to hurt her.

Rain groans into his pillow. "You've been going at this since two in the morning. Let it rest Luca!"

I check the time on my phone and watch as eight am flashes across the screen. I should be in Rain's position right now, in bed wanting to go to sleep. Or even Maxi's - who is passed out on my bed. I dragged her in after I realised she'd had one too many shots.

It was either me or Christopher D'arc who was eyeing her the entire night. She didn't look at him once but I know she knew he was looking at her.

But I'm not in either of their positions because I couldn't drink after that, I was so fucking caught up in...her. Nads and her innocent-seeming dark brown eyes that I want to keep happy, Nads and the way her lips etch into a frown that I want permanently removed...fuck, just Nads in general.

I'm about to open my mouth back up again when there's a sudden knock on the door. Rain groans again and I'm sure I hear a 'fucking early birds,' before he turns around to face the wall digging his face deeper into his pillow.

His comforter falls away exposing his fair skin scattered with tattoos. I rip my gaze away heading to the door.

When I open it up I find Mila Astralis on the other side. She's got two braids in the front of her hair whilst the rest of the white blonde falls just past her shoulders.

"Margaux sent me." Is all she says before she underarms a water bottle to me, I catch it and watch as she walks in passing me a packet of something. I turn it over going to read the label, confused.

"What is this?" Why would she bring crackers?

"Some snack, it's supposed to sober you up. Margaux said it would." Well fuck me, I had no clue Margaux Astralis' name excused everything and explained it simultaneously.

Mila heads over to Rain first and sets a water bottle and snack on his bedside table. "I know you're awake but for the most part I don't want to talk to you either." She whispers and I laugh under my breath at that one.

I watch as she approaches my bed, brushing out Maxi's dark hair from her face. Mila looks up to me and I still feeling as if I've been caught doing something I shouldn't, "you brought her in at one am right?" I nod. "Okay, well when she wakes up tell her Margaux wants to talk to her."

"Mila...do her and Margaux not get along?" I mean it's obvious Margaux cares for Maxi, but the few times I've seen them interact it's like Margaux is mothering her; telling her what to do, fixing up her tie, helping her complete her homework - doing it would be the right term.

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