45 ➹ its you and me

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lavender haze | taylor swift❝ i've been under scrutiny (yeah, oh yeah)you handle it beautifully (yeah, oh yeah)all this shit is new to me (yeah, oh yeah)i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me ❞

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lavender haze | taylor swift
❝ i've been under scrutiny (yeah, oh yeah)
you handle it beautifully (yeah, oh yeah)
all this shit is new to me (yeah, oh yeah)
i feel the lavender haze creeping up on me ❞

WINTER WAS THE first to come back down, Joshua by her side. She'd smiled at the rest of us before taking her seat again, but by the fifth minute, it was easy to spot the stress enveloping her. Her eyes kept looking askance and her posture was shit.

No one mentions that Reid has failed to return after Luca comes down, they're all too focused on the younger brother who's currently sporting a brooding look. My eyes flicker over from Luca to Winter, who's fidgeting around with the napkin in front of her.

I'm looking at her so hard, some may consider it glaring, though without all the underlying bullshit. Beside me, I hear someone shift around I anticipate for a fork to drag along a porcelain plate too, but it never comes.

"Stop staring at her," the voice has me turning away from Winter and eyeing a familiar girl. My lips twitch, but I repress the grin that threatens to pull.

"Jealous?" I ask, briefly looking down at Valé before looking away.

Whoever set the seating was trying to fuck me over, there's no other plausible explanation.

"No," she says finally, and I go to tease her for the pause but don't. There are too many people here, I'm supposed to hate her.

Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. God, does she look good though, in her little floral green dress that hugs her so sinfully. I wonder if she knows just how good she looks. I wonder if she'd be open to being shown.

When I look over to the table, I catch Luca's wandering gaze. His mouth is in a pout, but I don't know why he's got the long face when I'd seen the way he was ogling Valé earlier. Blood thumps in my veins methodically as I recount the way his eyes had dipped to the cut-out in her dress.

That little fucker, just wait until I catch him asleep.

"Winter does look nice though," I point out aimlessly, only loud enough for Valé to hear. "I've never seen her in a dress before," despite being a childish little shit that's trying to get under Valé's skin, I am being genuine. Winter looks sickly sweet, blush dusts her cheeks and she looks overly feminine. She's never looked more uncomfortable in her life.

"She's gorgeous," Valé agrees beside me, genuine.

I look down at her, "So does Nadia, I really like her dress. Makes her look beautiful."

Her darks brows raise but she doesn't show any other sign of confusion. "She is the most beautiful," Valé hums in accordance.

It's sweet how kind she is, but the word 'most,' in that sentence shouldn't be used if not for her. Because I'm stupid, and find an odd like for when she gets angry I find myself agreeing, "She really is. So nice too,"

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