26 ➹ maid for me

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as it was | harry styles❝ nothin' to saywhen everything gets in the way ❞

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as it was | harry styles
❝ nothin' to say
when everything gets in the way ❞

MOM TURNS AROUND in the art room and I alongside dad await her reaction. She doesn't say anything at first and I stare at dad to get some answers out of him but he shrugs. Isn't he supposed to know what she's thinking? Is that not a right of passage in marriage?

"Well, it's definitely an art studio." She finally says turning to the both of us swiftly that her Chanel bag swings as well.

"You hate it." She hates it. Of course, she does. Mom thrives off of simplicity and minimalism, she wants everything precise and clean, it's dad that enjoys the mess like I do.

"I never said that."

"You insinuated it."

"Insinuted?" Dad repeats looking at me with raised brows and a small smile tugs at his lips. My god, Spencer has been rubbing off on me.

"Cool word, I know." I smile before turning back to mom. "I love it here." In this studio where I sometimes come to not even to do art but watch as Mila and Nadia rekindle on the time they spent together at mademoiselle Nephrite's, watch Nadia work on her graduation dress as I think about how the hell I'm supposed to get revenge on her and see if Everette Law has made any new things. I know it's not like how it was back home but it's still just as good.

"Well that's all that matters, now where is this art of yours? I want to see it before all the other parents scatter in here like mouses."

"Mice." Dad corrects swiftly from where he's wandered off on the other side of the room, to check out some of the sculptures no doubt.

Mom turns from where she stands in front of me and whips her head behind to glare at dad. "Did you just...say I wasn't right?"

Dad stops wandering around and stays put. "Of course not...I think you misheard what I said was; of course, honey whatever you say because you are a god in this world and I am nothing but your peasant husband." Mom smiles and dad rolls his eyes and they do that parent in love stare thing which has me itching to get out of the room asap.

"My arts in the back, I can bring it out for you?" Mom nods and I head out to where some of our art is kept, I type in the passcode that leads into the room. I look around to find mine but my eyes fall onto one of the familiar mannequins instead and I find myself distracted by that for a moment.

It's got some fabric pinned to it since it's only the beginning of Nadia's graduation dress. When she'd originally told me she was making it from the fabric her dad gifted her I didn't think she meant she'd also have to practice with it, making the selection she has left to use only a fixed amount.

Sometimes after swim practice - ones without Lo because god knows what Caleb has done. I walk past the art room and catch her working on the sketch of the dress or measuring fabric - doing anything and everything for the dress to turn out perfect.

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