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miss americana and the heartbreak prince | taylor swift❝ they whisper in the hallway, "she's a bad, bad girl" the whole school is rolling fake diceyou play stupid games, you win stupid prizes ❞

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miss americana and
the heartbreak prince | taylor swift
❝ they whisper in the hallway, "she's a bad, bad
girl" the whole school is rolling fake dice
you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes ❞

HE'S SAID SOMETHING to her. I know it, I just can't figure out what. I wish she'd tell me, but I don't want to push it, we all deal with things - it's just that with Nads she's never been so silent about it. I assume she's trying to protect him, by not telling me what it is - but then again, my assumptions are in time out for the time being.

"Six o clock, your boyfriend is looking at me like he wants me dead." Christopher's voice snaps me out of my daze, he's currently seated parallel to me at the table we've classified as our own. Considering the beautiful courtyard you'd think more people would sit out here but everyone likes the cafeteria, I guess they're trying to take in the last few months before graduation - I would too if the whole...thing hadn't occurred.

I try and play it off as not wanting to be in an enclosed space but I know Christopher knows the real reason. I hate feeling eyes on me, especially when their judgment is justified.

"He's not my boyfriend." I quickly dismiss, before dropping my gaze to the pasta I currently have wrapped around my fork and eying it as if it's the most interesting thing ever.

"Does he know that?" Christopher asks drawing my eyes to his blue ones that gesture to something behind me, sighing, I reluctantly turn around and as much as I wish he wasn't, Christopher's right.

Caleb's green eyes hold mine for a second and I watch as the group of boys he's with turn to look at me as well. They all look relatively familiar and it isn't until I remember the scene from a few days ago on the pitch that it all comes back to me. They're all on the soccer team.

"You know he only started coming out here after you did," Christopher says absentmindedly before biting into his sandwich that looks anything but appealing since it's practically just lettuce.

"It's probably just a coincidence." I shrug placing my fork down at the disappearance of my appetite that's thanks to being watched by a group of boys. It's not that I'm food shy or whatever, it's just after receiving the note outside my dorm a couple of weeks ago, I've been everything but relaxed when in the company of a group of guys.

"Why can't you just admit he still likes you?" 

Because It'll give me hope, it'll make me think I can have something with him, when I can't. "Because he doesn't," I say instead, swallowing down the words that I haven't yet said aloud.

"Well, maybe you should remind him of it."

"What?" There are a few things Christopher and I agree on, but his stance on the entire Caleb ordeal isn't one of them. He tells me I've messed up, but that shouldn't stop me from pursuing something. He tells me that if I really cared I would just bite the bullet and jump at the opportunity. I tell him he doesn't understand. That whatever he thinks Caleb must feel is a warped vision of the truth.

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