11 ➹ ...comes around

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"HE'S LOST HIS mind." Luca mutters, running his hands through his damp hair as we walk together to pick up Sage before heading over to Caleb's room.

"It's probably some joke." I waver, not really buying it as we pass the old architecture of Whitlock. The large trees are dusted with fallen snow that didn't meet the ground, where some students are building snowmen and handing out hot chocolate.

"Atlas...I'm telling you right now he's not joking." I turn to Luca and grin at the deep red his cheeks and nose has taken. He looks like how he did back when we were kids when he's like this, flushed.

"So, you genuinely believe he's going to make us get revenge?"

"I mean unless I'm talking a language you can't understand, that's exactly what I'm saying." I roll my eyes and push him into a tree Luca - caught off guard he stumbles before catching himself and flipping me off.

"Which Hogwarts house is Sage boarding in again?" He asks as we stop in the middle of the courtyard turning around in a circle looking at the tall and wide buildings with different symbols at the front.

I turn to him at the use of the analogy. "Do you even know the Hogwarts houses?"

"Uhm yes, there's that green one, the brainy one, the main character one and then puffers." I raise a brow, the puffers? "Remember, mom tried to put us on by making a book club in like fifth grade?" Oh yeah.

I nod the memory resurfacing. Maria had bought us all copies of the series and made a charcuterie board every Wednesday for like seven weeks. Caleb was the only one to read all of them, I stopped at the third, Luca just watched the movies and Sage was too busy eating to even care.

"Diamonds," I answer, his earlier question and Luca nods but I know he's not completely into it now that he's thinking of his mom. He grows quieter and we walk to the building with the large diamond on the front. "How much do you wanna bet he's doing something stupid?" I wouldn't put it past Sage to be shooting a rap music video or something like that.

Luca smiles as we enter the diamond quarters, the heating having us both sink into ourselves with comfort. "Why would we bet on the truth?" He finally answers.

When we arrive to the floor Sage said he was on, we walk down a couple steps before falling onto the doorstep of his room. Three twenty seven his dorm reads and in my peripheral vision I take notice of a burst of colour down below. When I look down, I'm greeted with the view of the doormat...which has Britney Spears face on it. Yep, definitely Sage's room.

"Sage, you don't leave the door open!" A familiar voice rings out on the other side of the door, and I'm about to knock but Luca shakes his head. 'I want to hear,' he mouths, of course he does. Luca loves 'observing' situations, as he puts it.

"I didn't mean to, you think I wanted you to see all of this? I mean, take a guy out to dinner first or something!" Luca looks at me shaking his head as a hint of a smile dawns on his features. 

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