Prologue: 1909

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Mooresville, Alabama. September 1909. 

The slim-waisted teenager with the naturally gorgeous red hair and deep blue eyes picked up her skirt and walked across the street, placing every foot carefully, trying to not stain her new dress with mud. She'd saved up as hard and as long as she could for this dress, as plain as it was - nothing compared to the other ladies' dresses, certainly, and she wasn't about to damage it now. Arriving safely across the other side of the street, she held her skirt up with one hand, adjusting her satchel with her school books so it rested across her stomach. Then, she continued her journey. Accidentally, it seemed, not watching where she was going, she stumbled into a hard chest, nearly sending her into the street again. But two strong arms grabbed her around the waist and set her upright again. One of the hands had a large, ancient-looking ring on the finger, and both of the hands belonged to cufflinks, and as her eyes trailed up, an expensive suit, which she was sure cost more than the dump heap of an apartment where she lived with her single father, who basically drank his way through the rent. 

The handsome stranger who had rescued her from nearly falling into the street was, in fact, and to be terribly cliche, drop-dead gorgeous. Deep chocolate brown eyes were set into a strong face with a defined jawline, with just a hint of stubble on his chin and cheeks. His brown hair was slicked back ever so gently. He cracked a smile, and his smile was even more gorgeous than the rest of him. She coughed awkwardly. 

'I - I apologise for bumping into you, sir,' she stuttered, trying to let out small, measured breaths. 'I wasn't watching where I was going.' 

'My apologies,' he said. His accent was even more dreamy. Deep. Sweet. Sexy. Possibly British. 'I was on an errand and was not watching where I was walking either. Forgive my manners. Elijah Mikaelson.' He extended his strong hand to her and she took his hand, letting him bring it up to his lips and kiss it as he bowed slightly, making her giggle with nervousness and sheer excitement that someone this gorgeous was talking to her. 

'Lilliana Moore,' she replied. He smiled and straightened to his full height, fixing his tie and waistcoat, checking his pocket watch. 

'Apologies again. I must be going. Until next time, Ms. Moore?' He asked her sweetly, flashing one of his dashing smiles. 

'Until next time, Mr. Mikaelson. It was a pleasure.' 

'The honour was mine.' He stepped around her, taking her hand and kissing it again, then dropping it and walking away. A slight flush coming to her cheeks, she rearranged her school bag and walked in the opposite direction. 

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