Chapter 4: Elijah, the Original Vampire

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Seconds later, Rose walked back into the room. Behind her was a man in a suit, and he looked down at Elena with an air that was entirely overpowering, an aura that gave off oodles of authority. He vamp sped down and stopped in front of her. Slowly, he bent down and smelled her neck, then stood upright again.

'Human,' he said softly. 'It's impossible.' He looked down at her, tilting his head slightly. 'Hello there.' His gaze cast over to the couch, and his eyes darkened in anger as he rushed over to the couch, picking me up. 'Lilliana,' he said gently. I opened my eyes weakly and looked up at him.

'Lij... it can't be...'

'It's me, my darling.' He pulled me into a more comfortable position on the couch, and bit into his wrist, giving me some blood. I eagerly pulled it in, and then he laid me back down. He then stood and turned to Elena, his cold, authoritative air returning. 'We have a long journey ahead of us, we should be going.' I soon stood, a little unsteady, and his gaze cast over to me, a now loving look in his eyes, but then he turned back to Elena, and the gaze was gone.

'Please don't let him take me,' Elena begged Rose. The vampire stood there, with Trevor standing ahead of her, saying nothing.

'One last piece of business,' Elijah said, walking over to Trevor and circling him. 'Then we're done.'

'I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly, very sorry.'

'Oh, no, your apologies are not necessary.'

'Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you.'

'Oh, yes, you are the guilty one. And Rose helped you because she was loyal to you and that I honor. Where was your loyalty?'

'I beg your forgiveness.' 

'So granted.' Trevor smiled in relief, but with one quick swipe of his hand, Trevor's head came clean off his shoulders. Rose broke out in sobs. Elena just stood in shock. 

'You...' Rose said, stalking towards him in anger. 

'Don't, Rose,' he said non-chalantly. 'Now that you are free.' He walked towards Elena, holding out his hand to her. 'Come,' he said. 

'No! What about the moonstone?' she said, panicked. He frowned. 

'What do you know about the moonstone?' 

'I know that you need it and I know where it is.' 

'Yes...' he said slowly. 

'I can help you get it.' 

'Tell me where it is,' he said lowly. 

'It doesn't work that way.' He turned in amusement to Rose. 

'Are you negotiating with me?'

'It's the first I've heard of it,' Rose spat. He walked over to me and took the back of my neck, making me angle my face a little to look up at him. 

'Lilliana, darling, do you know where the moonstone is?' I shook my head slowly, still a great deal weakened by the vervain. 'I figured as much.' He gently stroked the back of my neck softly, then let go of me, walking towards Elena. He looked into the human's eyes, attempting to compel her, but it didn't work. He looked down to the necklace. 'What is this vervain doing around here?' He ripped the necklace off and threw it aside. Grabbing her forcefully by the back of her neck, he pulled her head to his. She tried to fight him, but the Original's grip was too strong. 'Tell me where the moonstone is,' he said while compelling. 

'In the tomb, underneath the church ruins,' she said under compulsion. 

'What is it doing there?' 

'It's with Katherine.' He let go of the compulsion and spoke again. 

'Interesting.' Just then they heard a shattering of glass. I met Elijah's eyes. 

'What is that?' I asked. 

'I don't know,' Rose said. 

'Who else is in this house?' Elijah demanded. 

'I don't know.' He grabbed Elena forcefully and pulled her out of the room, myself and Rose following not far behind. 'Move!' he shouted, shoving the human up the stairs and into the main foyer. I caught a glance of one vampire speeding around, then another. Elijah tossed Elena to Rose. 

'Up here,' Stefan taunted. Elijah sped up and stopped at the stairs. 

'Down here,' Damon teased. He paused, and suddenly an wooden stake landed in his hand. He pulled it out with ease and tossed it aside. It was then that he noticed that Elena, Rose and myself had all disappeared. In sections of the house, Stefan had Elena and myself close by, and Damon had a hold of Rose. 

'To whom it may concern...' Elijah called out. 'You're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me - you can't.' He pulled out a wooden coat rack, breaking off the hangers to create one giant spear of sorts. 'I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girl and Lilliana, I'm gonna count to 3 or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?' 

'I'll come with you,' Elena said. He turned to see the doppelganger at the top of the stairs, cradling her injured arm. 'But just please don't hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out.' 

'Where is Lilliana?' he snapped. I came around the corner of the stairs. 

'Here.' His eyes caught with mine for a moment, and then he sped up to the two of us. While Elena jumped back in shock, I stood still. 

'What game are you playing with me?' he said. She pulled the pin off the vervain grenade and tossed it in his face. He screamed. I managed to duck in time, but my hand was singed. It was only a minor vervain burn, and Elijah growled as the wounds began to heal on his face. He stalked up towards her, but then Stefan jumped in the stairway, pushing me out of the way and shooting bullets at the vampire. He was unfazed by the act, that was, until Stefan tackled him down the stairs. He got up quickly, but then Damon ran around the side and the two brothers stabbed him with the large coat rack stake, pinning him to the door. I screamed in shock as he began to slowly dessicate. Rose saw it and sped away. Damon went to go check where she was, but then Elena said, 

'Just let her go.' Damon smiled up at her, and she began to rush down the stairs, seemingly towards him, but launched herself into Stefan's arms. 

'Hey, come here. Are you hurt? You okay?' She nestled into him. Looking over Stefan's shoulder, she mouthed the words, 

Thank you. He mouthed back, 

You're welcome. 

Much later... 

I stepped in through a broken window, walking through the house, towards the dessicated vampire on the door. I stood there watching him. It was just wood. He'd wake up soon. Suddenly, his head snapped up, the grey veins disappearing from his neck and face. He grimaced, pulling the stake out slowly, letting it drop to the ground. Then he met my eyes. And I ran forwards, launching myself into his arms. 

'Elijah,' I breathed, wrapping my legs securely around his waist. He looked worriedly into my eyes. 

'Are you hurt much?' 

'No. I'm fine.' I dipped my head slowly and our lips met. 

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