Chapter 3: The Old House

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Somewhere in an undisclosed location outside of Mystic Falls... 

The SUV drove into the pull-off stretch and parked, next to the small Ford. A man with black, curly hair got out of the vehicle, the jester mask from the night before discarded on the passenger seat. He walked to the SUV and the window rolled down halfway. 

'Where is she?' the man with sunglasses asked. 

'In the trunk, I did exactly what you said. But there was a slight hitch in plans.' 

'What happened?' the man snapped. 

'There was another one. Another girl.' The man with the sunglasses ignored the curly haired man. 

'Just put them both in the back.' He went to his car and opened the trunk, and though the two girls in the back were squished together, they were most definitely both alive, just unconscious. He picked up the girl in the pink shirt, the one that they called the Petrova doppelganger, and lifted her out of the car, placing her in the back of the SUV. Then he picked up the other female. She'd been a bit harder to incapacitate, being a vampire and all. He'd had to snap her neck to put her out. He picked her up, too and placed her in the back with the other girl. Then he came around to the window again. 'Thank you for your help.' 

'Is there anything else?' the guy asked. 

'One more thing. Come closer, please.' He stepped slowly forward. 

'Closer.' He did so, and then, within a flash, the man's teeth transformed into vampire fangs as he sunk his teeth into the man's neck, sucking him dry before letting his body drop to the ground, dead. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he wiped his mouth clean with his glove before winding up the window and driving off with the precious cargo in the backseat. 

At Mystic Falls High... 

Stefan closed his locker and walked down the hall as Jeremy Gilbert joined him. 

'Hey, Jeremy.' 

'Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her, Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it.' 

'What are you talking about?' Stefan asked, turning around. 

'You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together, but if she's gonna sleep over...' 

'Wait, wait, hold on a minute. We are not back together.' 

'Wait... she didn't stay at your place last night? What about Lilliana? Did she stay over? You know how she is. She'll bounce back between your place and Jenna's about as often as she can. She was supposed to be on the couch last night, everything was still folded on the couch when I woke up.' 

'She could have just left early in the morning.' 

'Lilliana always stays for breakfast.' 

'Look, I mean, I saw them at the party but that was it. Elena didn't sleep over and Lilliana wasn't at my place last night either.' 

'Cause her bed hadn't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that her car was still in the driveway. Where are they then?' 

Undisclosed location (at an abandoned house somewhere)... 

The SUV parked in the driveway. The man with the sunglasses got out and pulled Elena out of the car first, then placed her on a couch and returned with the unconscious Lilliana. By the time he got back, Elena had begun to rouse. He untied her and did the same with Lilliana, except he placed her on a chair and tied her up again, then placed another shot of vervain in her to keep her weakened. Lilliana groaned, her head slumping on her chest as she began to fall in and out of consciousness. Just as the man reached forward to take a taste of Elena's blood, a woman yelled. 

'Trevor! Control yourself.' He stood and stalked away from her. 

'Buzzkill.' The woman walked forward. 

'What do you want with me?' Elena asked, panicked. 

'My God, you look just like her.'

'But I'm not. Please, whatever you...' 

'Be quiet,' the woman snapped. Just then they heard a low chuckling from the chair where Lilliana was bound.

'Ah, man, vervain hurts like a bitch.' 

'Shut up,' the woman demanded. I laughed again. 

'You really think tiny shots of vervain can stop me? Once I get my strength back, and I will, I'll kill you both.' She walked over, and grasped my neck, snapping it sharply. I fell unconscious. She turned back to Elena. 

'But I'm not Katherine,' Elena said. 'My name is Elena Gilbert.' She stood to face the woman. 'You don't have to do this.' 

'I know who you are, I said be quiet.' 

'What do you want?' The woman slapped her very hard, making Elena fall back to the couch, unconscious. 

The two girls were awake, both fully untied and sitting on the couch. I had woken up several hours earlier and was still significantly weakened, but coherent - mostly. I knew Elena had recieved a note, saying Stefan and Damon were on their way to rescue us, but I also knew that the two vampires, Rose and Trevor, had contacted their mysterious associate, who was now coming to get the doppelganger, God knows for what reason. Just then, as Rose was finishing packing a duffle bag, Trevor stormed in, terrified. 

'He's here! This was a mistake.' 

'No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me.' 

'No! He wants me dead, Rose!' 

'He wants her more.' 

'I can't do this. You give her and the other girl to him, he'll let you leave but I need to get out of here.' 

'Hey! What are we?' 

'We're family, forever.' Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Rose whispered to Trevor. 

'Stay here with these two. And don't make a sound.' 

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