Chapter 13: The Life of the Doppelganger

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1492. England. 

Elijah walked through the archway to see his younger brother, Niklaus, staring into the fire. 

'The full moon is tomorrow, brother. After all these years, it is finally time.' 

'I have been to see the witches,' he said, placing down the small books he carried. 'They believe they may have found a way to spare the doppelganger.' 

'What does it matter if she lives or not? She is a means to an end, that is all,' Niklaus said without turning. 

'What? She should die for your gain?' the older brother replied, without turning to face his brother. 

'She is human. Her life means nothing.' He turned, finally, to face his brother. 

'I beg you to consider this.' Niklaus finally turned. 

'Are you so foolish as to care for her?' 

'Of course not.' Niklaus walked closer to Elijah, grasping his shoulder. 

'Love is a vampire's greatest weakness, and we are not weak, Elijah. We do not feel, and we do not care.' 

'We did once.' 

'Too many lifetimes ago to matter. Tell the witches not to bother,' he said to his older brother, who opened his mouth to say something, but Niklaus was not done. 'The sacrifice will happen as planned.' He left the room. 

The Lockwood mansion. Mystic Falls. Present day. 

'You found a way to save the life of the doppelganger?' Elena asked eagerly. 

'Yes, Elena, I did.' He turned and walked away, grabbing her jacket off of the coffee table and walking back towards her. 'But unfortunately, Katerina took matters into her own hands first. I believe you already know how that played out.' She looked at him sympathetically. 

'You cared about her, didn't you?' 

'It's a common mistake, I'm told. But Lilliana - she changed that for me.' He looked over to her, holding out his hand. 'Come, my love.' I stood and took his hand, then he gave Elena her jacket, and the vampire couple left. 

A few hours later (at the Salvatore House)... 

Elena, Elijah and I walked into the room to see Stefan and Damon fighting. 

'Stop!' she exclaimed. The two broke off their fight to see the three of us standing there. 

'Now you've invited him in? And her?' Damon asked incredulously, eyes angry and dark at the sight of the two vampires. 

'Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal.' Elijah stepped forward, letting go of my hand. 

'Really?' Damon scoffed. 

'The two of you will come to no harm at my hands,' Elijah said, walking forward. I only ask for two things in return.' 

'What?' Damon replied. 

'An apology.' 

 'A what?' Damon snarked. Stefan stepped forward. 

'I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death, and harming Lilliana. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena.' 

'I understand,' Elijah said. Damon frowned at Stefan, shaking his head angrily. 

'Sacrifice is going to happen, Damon,' Elena said. 'Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life. I told you I'd find another way. And I did.' 

'Is that true?' the vampire asked, glaring up at the three. 

'It is,' Elijah replied. 

'And you're trusting him? And her?' he asked Elena. 

'I am.' Damon scoffed. 

'You can all go to hell.' He turned and walked away. 

'And the second thing?' Stefan asked. 

'Just to be clear, you will not harm Lilliana again, or threaten her. Or our negotiations are off... for good. Just like you will always protect Elena, I will always protect Lilliana.' Stefan looked at Elijah. 

'Understood,' Stefan replied. 'He's angry with me right now. But he'll come around.' 


The two witches, Maddox and Greta, knelt in the circle of candles, chanting towards the large wooden closet in front of them. Alaric stood there, waiting for the transference to happen. He stood straight up, eyes flashing open, and gasped, as if something was being sucked out of him. Looking up, he frowned, his eyes landing upon Katherine. 

'Elena?' he said, and he collapsed near the circle of candles. The two witches fell silent. Maddox stood, opening the large door, and after a few seconds someone stepped out. 

'Now that's more like it,' Niklaus Mikaelson said, his lips upturning in an evil smirk.

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