Chapter 17: Mournful Morning

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The group walked through the cemetery. The two Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon, with Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, Alaric Saltzman, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett and Lilliana Moore came to the three graves. Elena, her eyes still fresh from tears, knelt to lay roses at the graves of her parents, then her aunt Jenna, and her father/uncle John Gilbert. Then Alaric came forward and laid a rose at Jenna's grave. 


Stefan walked up to Damon. 

'We're going to head back to the house,' Stefan said.

'I think I'll skip the coffee and tea cakes,' Damon replied. 

'Damon, she needs us right now. All of us.' 

'And then what's the plan, Stefan?' he asked, without turning to him. 'The curse is broken. How does one go about killing an all-powerful wolf vamp and his two-faced older brother? And are we even sure we can trust Lilliana anymore?' 

'I have no idea.' 

'You need to get an idea,' the older vampire said, turning to his younger brother. 'Fast.' 

'We will. I'm not going to let Elena lose anybody else.' 

'I wouldn't make any promises, brother,' he said, rolling up his sleeve to show the grisly wolf bite that Tyler Lockwood had given him a couple evenings before. 'Tyler Lockwood bit me. It's actually more of a nip, really, but there it is.' Stefan walked up and took his arm gently, examining the wound. 

'We'll find something. A cure. Yeah,' Stefan replied softly almost trying to half convince himself. 

'There's no cure, Stefan.' 

'We kept Elena human, right? We found the way where there was no way. Hey. I will do this.' 

'You wanna do something for me?' Damon asked him. 'Keep this from Elena. Last thing she needs is another grave to mourn.' Damon turned and walked away, leaving Stefan alone in the cemetery. 

A couple days later... 

Stefan and Lilliana entered Alaric's apartment to see Katherine Pierce sitting on the bed. 

'Hello, Katherine,' he greeted. She stood, an angry fire in her eyes. 

'Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead.' She glared at me. 

'We ran into complications,' Stefan said. Katherine turned to face me, her face turning into an angry glare. 

'Elijah's bitch. Love-crazy isn't a good look on you.' 

'Bitchery isn't a good look on you either, but here we are,' I remarked sassily. She turned back to Stefan. 


'Doesn't really matter. I just need to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?' Suddenly, the door opened and Katherine grabbed Stefan, speeding him against a hidden wall while I sped behind another wall. 

'Klaus, you're back,' she said warily, then pulled Stefan out to show the two vampires who had entered. I stepped out as well, Elijah glancing over at me. 

'Lilliana - what are you doing here?' 

'I'm with him,' I said, hooking my thumb to indicate Stefan. I ran towards him and pulled him into a hug, and then we shared a tender kiss. I glared up at him. 'Remind me to give you a stern talking to once things are said and done, Elijah,' I told him. He nodded. 

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