Chapter 18: The Ripper Is Reborn

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Hours later... 

Stefan slurped from yet another blood bag, tossing it away, leaving it among all the other crumpled, empty blood bags on the ground, his chin covered in sticky, crimson blood. The smell of it was making me want some, but with the control I'd learned over the ages, I fought the urges. 

'You're very cooperative,' Klaus remarked. 'Almost as if you're enjoying it.' He grabbed yet another one and stepped over Elijah's daggered body to bring it to Stefan. 

'No more,' Stefan said. Klaus frowned. 'Not until you give me the cure.' 

'Not until we make a deal. It's your choice, Stefan. You can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are... leave town with me, and save your brother's life.' Stefan looked down at the blood bag in Klaus' hands with a crazed look in his eyes. Snatching it, he ripped the top off with his teeth and began to guzzle it down. Klaus smiled. 'That's the spirit.' As Stefan continued to drink the bag, Klaus brought the vial of blood to Katherine, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. 'Sweetheart... take this over to Damon and come right back.' 

'You want me to leave?' the vampire asked. 

'No,' Stefan said. 

'Yes,' Klaus butted in. 'And if I were you -' Katherine vamp sped out the door, leaving Klaus and Stefan alone. 'I'd hurry.' Stefan finished the blood bag as Klaus sat on a chair, grabbing yet another, but tossing it to me. 'Drink up, love.' I opened the top and drank it, though not guzzling it like Stefan. Then I tossed it to the floor, wiping the remnants away with the back of my hand. 

'She'll never take it to him,' Stefan said, his head downcast to the floor. 'She'll never take it to him.' Klaus simply smiled. 

In an abandoned warehouse... 

The coffin lay open, Elijah's dead body inside it as Klaus looked down upon him. 

'I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family.' He closed the coffin, then turned to the two men near him. 'Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight.' 

'He didn't deserve that, you know,' I said, leaning against a shelf. He looked at him. 

'Are you wanting to leave town with us, love?' 

'No. I'm staying. You and Stefan can go on your little murder mission. But one day, I will find him, and when I do, I'll undagger him, and then the both of us will come after your sorry ass. And you'll rue that day.' He laughed. 

'You're being serious?' 

'Dead serious.' He laughed. 

'Now I really like you. You can come with us, you know. Join on in the hunt,' he replied, his eyes gleaming with a certain sort of psychopathic tendency. 

'Like I said, I'm staying. But I'll have Elijah back eventually.' He began to walk towards Stefan, then turned back to me. 

'When I undagger my brother, Lilliana, I'll send him to you. I give you my word.' 

'Your word means nothing to me, Niklaus. Not until you fulfill it.' He turned and walked towards Stefan, while I walked in the opposite direction. Stefan was looking at his phone when Klaus walked towards him. 

'So... did Katerina make it in time?' Klaus asked the younger vampire. He looked up at him. 

'You won't be seeing her again, you know.' 

'Because she's on vervain?' he asked incredulously. 'I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't get far. You'll help me see to that.' 

'What is it you really want from me?' Stefan asked him. 

'All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town.' 

'Then are we done here? Can we go?' 

'Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you.' He held out his hand and a girl stepped out. 'Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid.' The girl stepped up to Klaus and Stefan, the look of fear all too apparent in her eyes. 'See, I wanna make sure you honour our deal... that you'll be of use to me.' He bit the girl's neck, making her scream, drawing blood. His eyes gleamed gold as he met Stefan's eyes. 'I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt.' He let her go, and she ran, screaming. 

When it seemed like she was going to make it, Stefan vamp sped to a stop in front of her. She looked terrified as he fixed his eyes on the blood with a crazed look in his eyes, then his eyes changed, the veins becoming prominent and fangs coming out as he bit into her neck sharply. She screamed and panicked. Moments later, he dropped her, the girl falling limp on the ground, dead, completely drained of blood. 'Now we can go.' 

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