Chapter 1: Mystic Falls

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Mystic Falls, Virginia. Present day. 

Lilliana Moore sat up in bed, in her small one-bedroom apartment. She didn't need the alarm clock to know it was time for another Monday - which meant the first day of school at Mystic Falls High School. Ever since she was turned, she hadn't exactly been catching up on school, and like Stefan Salvatore, who was one of her best friends living just down the road at the Salvatore Boarding House, the two had plenty of years to go off of. Especially in history class. It was their first day for the both of them. She'd been around Stefan on and off after she was turned in 1910, with their first meeting being rather prickly, seeing as she was a newbie vampire, only ten years into her journey, and he'd been a vampire since 1864, going full Ripper on the poor innocent civilians. The Ripper of Monterey, they'd called him. 

But no one could know that. Not here. Not in Mystic Falls. It was a quiet, sleepy town with lots going on during the year, but very few actually knew of all the creatures that go bump in the night. Very few knew of the supposed 'animal' attacks that were going on, those attacks that were actually caused by vampires. Werewolves and witches were an even closer kept secret. 

Lilliana, or Lilly as she liked to be called, got out of bed, shedding her clothes as she went, moving to her mahogany dresser to pull out her clothes for the day, smiling in fondness at the black and white photo of her and her boyfriend on top of the dresser. He was wearing a sharp suit with a bow tie, and she was next to him, wearing an emerald green strapless dress, which was about as pretty as the times would allow. She remembered that evening like it was yesterday, one of the most magical evenings of their lives. He'd had an event to go to with the more prominent families, and he'd invited her to go with him. She'd had to sneak out of the two bedroom apartment that she shared with her alcoholic, abusive father to go with him. That had also been the night where herself and Elijah Mikaelson had fallen in love. Perfectly. Explicitly. Like two halves becoming a whole. She'd never felt so happy then. He'd noticed a few small cuts on her arms and hands that night and had given her his blood to heal her, barely leaving a scar. 

Shaking herself from the memory, she walked into her kitchen in dark blue jeans, white tennis shoes and an olive green sweater that showed part of her midriff. She slipped on a pair of earrings as she walked and a bracelet with one half of a red Valentine heart, courtesy of Elijah. He'd sent it to her a couple years ago as a Valentine's Day present. She didn't know where he was these days, but hoped to see him again someday. They wrote often to each other. She pulled out a blood bag from her fridge and stuck a straw in it, drinking it deeply, checking her small flip phone for the time. About 30 minutes left until she had to get to school. Pulling her new backpack off of its hook, she made sure that everything was in there and ready to present to the school principal in regards to her enrollment into Mystic Falls High School. When she finished the bag of blood, she threw it into the garbage, then slung the bag over her shoulder, pocketed her phone and left the apartment towards her pewter grey motorbike. It was slender, perfect for someone of her height. She loved the bike. She sat on it, securing her backpack so it wouldn't fall off, then starting the ignition of the bike, pulling out and speeding away. 

Mystic Falls High School. Third Person POV. 

Lilliana pulled into the school's parking lot, turning off her bike as soon as she stopped in a spot. Dismounting the bike, she looked around and saw Stefan a ways off, leaning against a light pole, waiting for her. A small smile pricked at the corners of his lips when he saw her and she raised a hand in greeting. He made no motion to do the same, but that was okay. That was just his personality. She walked towards him. He was wearing dark clothes and sunglasses to hide his eyes, which was understandable considering he, too, was a vampire. She jogged up to him. 

'Hey, Stef,' she said in greeting. 'Real new kid vibes, huh?' The same smile still pricked up, and it was a bit bigger, but it wasn't quite reaching the rest of his face. 'Ha! I made you smile.' 

'No, you didn't.' 

'I still say I did. I made the broody, moody Stefan Salvatore smile.' He shook his head in bewilderment, and I grabbed his hand. 'Come on. We've got to get everything sorted for the first day of school.' The two friends walked across the grounds, making some people turn and stare. 

Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert walked the halls, having just seen their friend Caroline Forbes when they stopped in front of the principal's office to see two people, one male and one female. 

'Hold up,' Bonnie said, pulling Elena aside. 'Who's this?' The two stared at the two newcomers. 

'All I see is two backs.' Bonnie smiled in approval at the male. 

'That's one hot back. And she's got a great butt.' The two quietly laughed. 

'... your records are both incomplete,' the woman said to the two newcomers. 'You're both missing immunisation records, and we do insist on transcripts.' The male took off his glasses and stared the woman in the eyes. 

'Please look again,' he said. 'I'm sure everything you need on the two of us is there.' She looked down again, slowly. 

'Well, you're right. So it is.' 

'I'm sensing Seattle,' Bonnie said, 'and he plays the guitar. And with her, I'm sensing theatre kid from New Jersey.' 

'You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, aren't you?' Elena remarked. 

'Pretty much.' Just then Elena caught sight of her brother, Jeremy, walking into the toilets. 

'I'll be right back,' she said, walking away from Bonnie.

'Please be hot,' Bonnie said to herself. 

The two newcomers walked out of the office and towards the bathrooms, catching the eyes of Caroline, Bonnie and ultimately Elena, when she walked out of the men's bathroom fresh from a confrontation with her brother, Jeremy, and collided straight into the man's chest. 

'Uh, pardon me,' Stefan said awkwardly. 'Is this the men's room?' She smiled awkwardly as well and Lilliana touched his shoulder gently. 

'I'm going to head to the bathroom before class.' He nodded and she walked away. 

'Yes. Um, I was just - I was - it's a long story.' The two went to walk around each other, but Stefan accidentally sidestepped in front of her, and after a while, Stefan moved to the side letting her past. 'Thanks,' she said awkwardly, and walked away. He turned in the hallway, watching her as the Gilbert girl walked around the corner. 

Later that day... 

'Your little stunts around the Gilbert girl are not going unnoticed,' Lilliana said, bringing a blood bag to her lips and sipping it slowly, staring at Stefan, who leaned against her small kitchen door, looking at her, as she prepared dinner. 'You're going to see her later tonight?' 

'Uh, yeah. She left her journal in the graveyard. I was going to give it back to her.' 

'What was she doing in the graveyard?' Stefan shrugged. 

'I know she fell.' 

'Let me guess, there was blood, and you nearly lost control. Again.' He nodded. 

'Well, at least you didn't fang into her. That's real progress, Stef. You can't keep ignoring it, though. Just get on the blood bags. That way you're not hurting anybody. It's no use just eating bunnies all day. Eck, I can't imagine that. So gross.' 

'I'll lose control if I'm on the bags.' 

'I guess we all forget what we're taught sometimes, don't we?' she asked. 'It's okay. Being a happy, healthy, well-adjusted member of vampire society isn't easy. I get it. Don't beat yourself up, Stefan.' He let a small smile slip. 

'I've gotta go.' He left the room and a second later, vamp sped out of the apartment. 

Small Town, Big Secrets (A Vampire Diaries Seasons 1 and 2 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now