Chapter 5: The Morning After

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1909. Mooresville, Alabama (flashback). 

'Nice big smiles!' the man said, taking the photo of the couple with the camera on the tripod in front of them. 'That's excellent.' When the big light had flashed, the man walked away with the camera. Elijah Mikaelson turned to Lilliana. 

'Shall we dance, darling?' he asked her. 

'Yes, we shall,' she said, wrapping her gloved hand around his bicep and letting him lead her to the dance floor. The two spun effortlessly around the ballroom in a simple waltz. He couldn't stop looking at, admiring her features. She was breathtaking with the nude lipstick and the emerald green dress, the way the ball gown hugged her figure. She looked like an angel tonight. He spun her one more time and pulled her close. 'You're surprising me with your dance moves, Elijah,' she said softly, in that voice which took his breath away. 

'Thank you. I love you so much, Lilliana Moore.' 

'I love you too, Elijah Mikaelson.' 

The two entered the large apartment that belonged to Elijah. Lilliana peeled off her heels. 

'Those were killing my feet,' she said, throwing them aside, then putting her arms around the neck of her boyfriend and kissing him. He was soft about it, reciprocating the kiss, then making her jump, putting her legs around his waist as he lifted her like she was only a small child, then carried her into the kitchen to turn on the light and set her down on the kitchen counter. She swung her legs idly as he poured two glasses of expensive wine, taking little glances at her every so often. He brought the wine over and gave a glass to her. 

'To us,' he said softly, giving her one of his dashing smiles, that, try as she might, always made her weak in the knees with affection for the man that had stolen her heart. She clinked her glass with his. 

'To us,' she echoed. The two drank. After a few moments, he looked at her, taking her cup slowly and placing it down on the counter, then taking her face in his hands, smashing his lips against hers. The wine forgotten; Lilliana was lost in the overwhelming ferocity of the kiss. The need and desire that was apparent in his kiss as his hands roamed from her back to her butt, grasping it and making her wrap her legs around his waist again as he carried her from the kitchen to the bedroom. The two quickly divested each other of their clothes the whole way down the hall, and when they got to his bedroom, he kicked the door open and vamp sped to the bed, throwing her down on it and climbing on top of her, giving her a deep kiss. When he started to begin making love to her, she stopped him. 'Wait...' He looked her in the eyes, trying to control every last ounce of desire he had within him to unleash his inner vampire and utterly ravage her. 

'What is it, darling?' he said softly. 'I'm not hurting you, am I?' 

'No, it's just - I've never done this.' He nodded. 

'We can do it another night if you're not ready.' 

'No, I - I am, it's just that I've never done it and I want you to be happy w-with me.' 

'Lilliana, nothing would make me happier in the world than to see you okay. And if it means my gratification is delayed, then so be it.' 

'I want to do this. I just don't know how.' He leaned forward and kissed her again. 

'Just lie back. I'll show you how.' He took her hands, and interlaced his fingers with hers, effectively pushing her down onto the bed. It took everything within him to not let the beast out. She could see the beast another time, when she was ready. But for now, he wasn't the vampire monster. He was just Elijah Mikaelson. And she wasn't just some other girl he was with to distract himself from remembering women like Tatia, Katerina, or Celeste. She was Lilliana Moore. The simple human from a small town that rocked his world and turned it upside down. Sniffing her neck softly, he could smell the blood in her veins. It was intoxicating. She'd always pulled his blood from his veins whenever she was injured, but he'd never tasted her. All this time, he'd just wanted to sink his fangs into her carotid and suck her dry. He looked at her. 

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