Write me back

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Has anyone ever written to an author or poet?
Explaining to them in their language how their words made them feel.
Showing them how powerful words can be in the same way to them.
Has anyone ever sung to a singer?
Write a song meant for them in private.
Not for the world to hear but for them.
Showing them how radiant music can be when it's personal,
Teach them that music can be shared and private all at once.
Has anyone painted for a painter?
Each stroke of the paintbrush is equivalent to a word, to many words.
To emotions, to replicate the skill, and make them feel appreciated as they should be.

   So write me back, sing to me, paint a portrait of me. it does not have to be good, i just like the image of you struggling to learn the things i've mastered in my lifetime. Putting in the effort to prove how much you love me.
"I love you" and "i love you more" is too spacy and leaves room for incidents and lies.
Reciprocate my crafts. Trace my skin with your hands, eyes, and tongue. Let me know how beautiful I am in the eyes of a god. Write letters in every language so that I believe you in every way

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