Chapter 2 - A Daughter

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"SHIELD Compromised"Song: Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz

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"SHIELD Compromised"
Song: Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz

-Fury's POV-

"Activating communications encryption protocol. Open secure line zero-four-zero-five." The car replies "Confirmed." Maria answer "This is Hill." I answer back. "I need you here in D.C. Deep shadow conditions." She replies back "Give me four hours." I answer again. "You have three, over." I hang up.

I stop at a light and a police car pulls up next to me and they just sit there and stare at me. "You want to see my lease?" I look at them back. The light turns green and I start to drive off and I get T boned from the driver side.

"Fracture detected. Recommend anesthetic injection." The car speaks. "D.C. Metro Police dispatch shows no units in this area." I look around and they are start shooting. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" The car speaks back. "Propulsion systems are offline." I sigh. "THEN REBOOT, damnit!" I reply. They bring out a battering ram. "Warning! Window integrity compromised." The car says. "You think? How long to propulsion?" I sigh. "Calculating. Window integrity thirty one percent. Deploying counter measures." I look around. "Hold that order!" I yell. They hit my window again. "Window integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised." I sigh. "WAIT!" I yell "Window Integrity one percent." I look around. "NOW!" A mini gun pulls up. I return fire. "Propulsion systems now online." I keep shooting. "Full acceleration, now!" I yell as I keep shooting. "Initiate vertical takeoff!" The car replies. "Flight systems damaged." I look at the computer. "Then activate guidance cameras! Get me Agent Hill!" The car replies. "Communications array damaged." I sigh. "What's not damaged?" I roll my eyes. "Air conditioning is fully operational. Traffic Ahead." I throw my hands up. "Give me an alternate route." I look back and the mercenaries are on my ass. "Traffic alert on Roosevelt Bridge. All vehicles stopped. 17th Avenue clear in three blocks, directly ahead." The car says. "GET ME. OFF. THE GRID." I yell! "Calculating route to secure location."

I see someone appear up ahead. They shoot something off and I feel it attach below the car.  I feel an explosion and the car flips. The person starts walking over. I find the laser weapon and escape.

-Steve POV-

I walk in and see the pretty blonde named Kate doing laundry.

"That's so sweet. That is so nice. Hey. I gotta go, though. Okay, bye." She turns to me. "My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac." I smile. "Hey, if you want...if you want, you're welcome to use my machine. Might be cheaper than the one in the basement." I look at her. "Oh, yeah? What's it cost?" She smiles. "A cup of coffee?" I say. "Thank you, but um...I already have a load in downstairs, and, really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished orientation in the infectious diseases ward, so." I throw my hands up. "Ah, well, I'll keep my distance." She smiles. "Well hopefully not too far." I smile. "Oh, and I think you left your stereo on." I look at her. "Oh. Right, Thanks." She smiles. "Yeah" I watch her leave and look back to the door. I walk in slowly and grab my shield, I then see Fury sitting on the couch. "I don't remember giving you a key." I say. "You really think I'd need one? My wife kicked me out." I tilt my head to the side. "Didn't know you were married." I look at him. "A lot of things you don't about me." He looks back at me. "I know, Nick. That's the problem." I turn on the lamp on  and notice Fury is injured. He quickly turns the light back off. He raises his finger to his lips indicating to be quiet. He pulls out his phone and writes "ears everywhere." He looks at me. "I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash." He writes on his phone again. "SHIELD compromised and you have a daughter" it reads. My eyes go wide. Nat. "Who else knows about your wife?" He writes something on his phone reading "You and me." He speaks up. " friends." I look at him. "Is that what we are?" He looks back at me. "That's up to you." he says.

Before I could say anything three shots ring out going straight through Fury. "Don't.. trust anyone." Fury says and passes out. I hear someone breaking into my apartment and hear my neighbor calling my name. "Captain Rogers? Captain, I'm Agent 13 of SHIELD Special Service." I look at her confused. "Kate?" I say. "I'm assigned to protect you." I look at her. "On whose orders?" She looks at Fury. "His." She speaks into her ear piece. "Foxtrot is down, he's unresponsive. I need EMTs." She looks back at me. "Do you have a twenty on the shooter?" I look out the window and see the shooter. "Tell him I'm in pursuit." I smash through the window and run after the assassin. I chase him through the office building and finally catch up to him. I through my shield and he catches it. He throws it back making me slide. Then he was gone.

To be continued...
A/n: our shining stars will be reunited romanogers will be reunited with their baby but Natasha's age will be different because of the story arc

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