Chapter 11 - The Past will come to haunt

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-one year later-

Natalia pov

It's been a crazy year reuniting with my mom taking down hydra and well Bucky that another story let's just say trying to find someone who doesn't want to be found isn't easy. I finally got to meet some of the avengers like tony Thor Clint and Bruce. Gotta say tony talks way too much about himself, Bruce he's quiet, Thor never stops talking about that hammer and Clint well he saved my moms life so he's an automatic yes. Sam and I have gotten really close, we've even started bickering like siblings I'm pretty sure dad hates it. Anyways ive been training at stark tower with mom. They want me to come with them on missions well Tony does dad is still not very keen on the idea.

"So this mission is what cause all you've told me is hydra bases mom" we stop fighting and sit down. "Baron strucker" I freeze and clench my fists together in anger. "Where?" I ask. "Sokovia Thor tacked Loki's scepter there" I take a deep breath and sigh. "When is it?" I ask. "We get first thing tomorrow morning so we're leaving tonight which is why I'm telling you now cause your coming with us even though your dad might hate it". we both laugh and get up and walk together to one of the biggest rooms Tony gave the three of us. Even though my parents aren't together I can tell they really do love each other.

"So grab your suit and meet us on the jet ok kiddo?" Mom kisses me on the forehead and i sigh and look at the dog tags around my neck Bucky left. "Why can't you just let us find you?" I ask myself sniffling as I wipe the tears from my eyes. I quickly grab my new and improved suit that Tony designed to match Mom's a little but added blue to it and put it on to head into the jet where Thor was. "Little America!!! How are you?" He gives me a big hug and squeezes me. I look at mom confused and she just shrugs. "I'm ok thank you thor it's nice to see you" he smiles and the jet takes off so I sit in the middle of mom and dad and lay my head in his shoulder then slowly drift off to sleep.

-3rd pov-

Tony is flying up in his iron man suit and hits the force field protecting the hydra base. "Shit!" Tony yells. "Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asks as he and Natalia are riding on his motorcycle through hydra agents as Natalia's blasting them. "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." JARVIS replies. "The Tessaract and lokis specter must be here, Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it, At long last." Thor knocks out some soldiers. "It's also the source of my power so if it's near me then I'll know" Natalia adds as she's blasting the Soliders.
"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys and my daughter" Natalia chuckled at her mothers comment.

As some soldiers shoot at him. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint say as he's shooting arrows. "Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" Tony asked confused. "I know." Steve grabs Natalia and throws his motorcycle at some guards driving up in their truck. "It just slipped out." He lets Natalia go and she looks at him confused. "Oh it did now did it?" She teases as they both run over to Thor and who grins.

at the HYDRA Research Base, Sokovia, Eastern Europe. "Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker asked. "Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers and she's with them" strucker looked a little panicked. "They landed in the far park, the perimeter guard panicked." The Solider told him. "They have to be after the scepter" strucker looks to the soldier "Can we hold them?" They give him a puzzled look. "They're the Avengers. And oracle is with them" strucker groans. "Deploy the rest of the tanks." He commands. "Yes, sir."

To be continued...
A/n: now be prepared cause this is where we learn about our Natalia's past

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