Covil War: Tony VS Team Cap

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The video plays. That car that bucky forced off the road crashes into a tree. Tony watches intently as Bucky rides up and gets off his motorbike. Steve watches Tony's increasing unease. The driver lies on the ground beside the car.

"Help my wife. Please. Help." Bucky as the winter Solider walks over and hoists him up by his hair.

He stares at Howard's bloody face. Howard stares back pleadingly.

"Sergeant Barnes?" Josie and Bucky both tense up looking. At each other.

"Howard!" Tony glares at Bucky. In the video the Winter Soldier pounds Howard hard in the face with his metal fist.

"Howard!" In grief Tony closes his eyes for a moment.

On screen his father slumps dead. The Winter Soldier puts him in the driver's seat with his face against the steering wheel. Tony stares in horror. Maria's in the passenger seat with blood streaked down her face. The Winter Soldier walks around and grips her throat. Expressionless he strangles Maria. Tony watches the screen stunned. The Winter Soldier walks up and aims a gun at the surveillance camera.

Steve watches Tony anxiously. Tony lunges towards Bucky, Steve stops him.

"Dont" Josie warned.

"Tony Tony" he turns to Steve angry.

"Did you know?" He asks.

"I didn't know it was him" he lied.

"Don't bullshit me rogers did you and Josie know?" He starts to get angry again.

"Yes" both Steve and Josie told Tony. Tony then angrily knocks Steve out.


In a defense Bucky pulls Josie back but tony knocks him out of the way knocking Josie out. he grabs Bucky and flies across the chamber. He slams him onto the floor, then jumps on his arms.

"Bucky!" Steve's shield hits Iron Man, distracting him.

Steve barges him backwards, Iron Man shoulders him to the floor and shackles his ankles. Bucky punches Iron Man who just lifts him and slams him against a machine. Iron Man raises a fist but Bucky twists it.

"Josie get out of here!" Bucky shouts.

"Not without you!" A rocket shoots out of Iron Man's arm, a fireball explodes.

"Bucky!" She screams.

Steve slices his shackles as a towering structure of pipework collapses. Tony and Bucky are thrown down a level as twisted metal falls around them, showering sparks.

"Get out of here! Both of you!" Bucky and Josie both nodded as they try to get out of the very complex building.

Bucky hits a control panel and the silo-styled door overhead starts to open.

"It wasn't him, Tony. Hydra had control of his mind!" Steve tried to convince tony.

"Move!" Bucky and Josie make it up and Steve joins them.

"He's not gonna stop go and Josie I won't let him hurt bucky" Steve kisses his daughter on the forehead.

"Dad just don't kill or hurt him he's still your friend" Tony comes face to face with Bucky and Josie.

"Do you even Remember them?" As he puts Bucky in a chokehold.

"I Remember all of them" he strains.

Bucky and tony fall off Steve knock tony out letting go of Bucky.

"Bucky!" Josie screamed as he fell.

Steve gets up and looks at tony out of breath.

"Think about Josie she doesn't deserve to lose him again she loves him" Tony was so blinded by anger he doesn't care.

"It doesn't matter my parents are dead because of him and she's just another obstacle in my way" They trade punches and Iron Man ends up pinning Steve down.

Bucky picks up Captain America's shield and leaps down to help. As the two super soldiers fist fight with Iron Man the shield changes hands between them until Tony manages to zap Steve who is thrown back into the wall. Bucky struggles to hold Iron Man at bay as he unleashes an energy beam, then he forces Iron Man against the opposite wall and grips the glowing core in the chest of the Iron Man Suit. A blast of energy knocks Bucky down, metal arm completely blown away. Tony zaps him again. Josie runs up to bucky crying.

"Please I'm begging you Tony don't make me do this"

Josie uses her power to get tony away from Bucky so it was just her and iron man.

"Tony your like an uncle to me don't do this alright?" Tony glares.

"I don't care he killed my mom" she got so angry he power got stronger.

"And I'm his best friends daughter" she blasted him but he only ricocheted it back to Josie knocking her out.

So Steve takes over and duels with tony who lost the privilege of calling Josie family ever again.

"He's my friend" through his helmet tony looks at him full of grief.

"So was I" tony punches Steve.

"You and him stole Josie from me" Bucky distracted him but tony kicked him in the head with Josie still out cold Steve picked up tony and threw him out.

punches him and bashes his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core.

Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath. Both have blood spattered across their faces. Steve looks back at Tony then shuts his eyes and slumps down. The shield remains upright, stuck upright in the center of the Iron Man Suit. When Steve struggles up again he takes hold of the shield, gripping the edge and pulling it free. He steps away from Tony who rolls painfully onto his side. Bucky lies bloodied but conscious, Steve reaches out and pulls him to his feet, holding him up as Tony looks on.

"That shield doesn't belong to you." Josie wakes up as Steve helps her up.

"I can walk" Steve turns his back.

"You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!" Steve stops.

"Josie you walk away with them your no longer an avenger" he threatens.

"Fine by me you tried to kill my family" raises his chin, then drops the shield and walks away with Bucky's arm around his shoulder and Josie behind him.

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