Chapter 17 - Laura Barton

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"Honey i'm home." Clint says as we walk in to the house. "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." I smile at her. "Hey." She kisses Clint. Tony looks at her confused. "This is an agent of some kind." Clint looks back at us. "Gentleman, this is Laura." Clint looks at us. "Oh I know all of your names." We all look at her awkwardly. "Woah incoming." Two children run past me. "Did you bring auntie nat?" The little girl ask. "Why don't you hug her and find out?" The little girl jumps into her arms.

"Honey i've missed you." Laura looks at mom as I walk up behind her. "Oh Laura. This is my daughter." Laura looks at me shocked. "Well Clint left out that detail. You look exactly like her." Laura hugs me. "Welcome to the family hun." I smile. "Your house is so beautiful." Laura looks around. "It's rough keeping it nice with these hooligans running around, but I manage." She smiles. "How is little Natasha huh?" Mom smiles. "She's...Nathanial." Mom looks shocked. "Traitor." She bends down to Lauras swollen tummy.

Third person POV

Laura walks over to Clint to check over his wounds while everyone else leaves to get settled. "See, you worried for nothing. Can't even feel the difference, can you?" She looks over the wound. "You know if they are sleeping here, they are going to have to double up." Clint laughs. "That's not gonna sell very well." Laura smiles. "I love how you left out a key detail." Laura glares at Clint. "What?" Clint looks confused. "Nats daughter? Does that ring a bell?" Clint's mouth drops. "I though i told you! It's crazy isn't it?" Laura laughs. "They act all around the same." They both laugh.

"How's the whole Nat and Banner situation going?" Laura asks Clint. "What do you mean?" She looks at him. "How long has it been going on?" Clint looks at her crazy. "Never mind I'll tell you when your older." Clint rolls his eyes and shrugs it off. "Nat seems pretty shaken." Clint looks at her. "It was pretty messy. Ultron has been in everything and those two kids have us all confused." Clint rubs his eyes. "That could have been you." Laura looks upset. "But i'm here and i'm fine." Clint kisses Laura. "By the way... I can feel a difference." Laura smiles and leaves

Back in Korea

"Scream, and your entire staff dies. I could've killed you, Helen, the night we met. I didn't." Ultron looks at Helen Cho. "Do you expect a thank you note?" Cho responds. "I expect you to know why." Ultron says to her. "The Cradle." She hears her voice come over a speaker of some sort. "This is the next thing, Tony." " the next me." Ultron looks at the cradle. "The regeneration cradle prints tissue, it can't build a living body." Cho says. "It can, you can. You lack the materials. You're a brilliant woman, Helen. But we all have room to improve." Ultron brainwashes Cho.

To be continued...

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