He remembers

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"Not again"Song: Solider by Fleurie

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"Not again"
Song: Solider by Fleurie

3rd POV

Sharon pushes a button witch stops the restriction on the audio from Bucky's evaluation. "I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James? I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James." Josie tensed up as Steve rubbed her arm. "My name is Bucky."

As the interrogation continues steve was in deep through looking at  the blurry photograph of the man who bombed the congress in Vienna. "Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?" Josie contiued to look over at Bucky. "Get the word out, involve as many eyes as we can?" Sharon asked. "Right. It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier." Josie sat next to Sam confused. "You're saying someone framed him to find him." Sam and Josie had the exact Same expression. "Steve, we looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Josie nodded in agreement. "We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads."

"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would." Sharon's gaze falls on the evaluator in the screen, her eyes narrow. Steve frowns and looks around. "Yeah." It just didn't sit right with me. "Josie what's wrong?" Sam asked as Josie still had that gut feeling. "That doctor I have a really bad feeling about him." Suddenly all the lights go out. "Sub-level 5, east wing." The three of them make a run for it In Hopes Bucky isn't harmed.

Steve  Sam and Josie arrive outside the chamber. Red emergency lights flash all around. There are many agents slumped on the floor. All of them out cold. "Shit! Not again" Sam gives me a look. "I don't like how you said thatl" she lets out a long sigh. "Either Bucky's lost it or that idiot reprogrammed him" "Help me. Help." Steve walks up to Zemo. "Get up." he grabs Zemo and shoves him against the wall. "Who are you? What do you want?" He grins at them. "To see an empire fall."

As Sam enters out of the corner of her eye Josie saw  Bucky swing his fist which smashes through the wall and pushed Sam out of the way getting knocked out. Bucky grabs Sam by the jaw and throws him at the open pod. Steve lurches into the fight and lands a punch which Bucky barely feels. Bucky kicks and punches Steve out of the chamber. A punch from Bucky goes through the elevator door. Steve blocks the next one but the power of Bucky's fist sends Steve tumbling into the darkened elevator shaft.

Josie shakes awake graining turning to same. "Sam get up! I'm going after Bucky!" She gets up to run In The direction Bucky went to leaving Sam to follow Zemo.

Meanwhile with Natasha and tony,

"Please tell me you brought a suit." They both run. "Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button. I'm an active-duty non-combatant." Josie runs through her mother and tony. "Move!" Tony rolls his eyes while continue to run. "That's yours and Steve's clone" everyone runs to see Bucky fighting off agents. "Why is it always me having to fight him?" She groans as she fights him. "Will you listen to me?! Stop your gonna end up killing someone" Bucky starts to choke Josie as she struggles to breathe. "B-b-Bucky!" Luckily tchalla kicks him off of her but kicks Bucky down a stairwell. "Bucky!!!" She gets up quickly staring in front of tchalla very angrily. "Touch him again or you'll regret it" she threatens.

Pushing past tchalla Josie made it to the helipad to see Bucky attempting to take off. "Bucky stop" not even a second her father Steve made it running to help his daughter stop Bucky. Bucky started to take off so Steve ran off and grabbed it pulling as hard as he could. "Josie you stay back!" He ordered his daughter. It worked as the helicopter was being pulled in but it started to hit the ground. "Dad! Bucky!" She screamed. "It's ok don't get any closer!" He shouted back. Steve tried to get up but Bucky punched through the glass trying to choke Steve. "Fine my ass!" Then the helicopter started to fall. "Shit!" Then fell into the water dragging Bucky and Steve with it. "Bucky! Dad!" She jumped in the water pulling them out. "Let's get out of here and find Sam"

A 15 minutes later they found an empty warehouse where Josie cleaned Bucky head that's started to bleed as he started to wake up. "Josie?" He asked groaning. "Bucky? Oh thank god your ok" she smiled. "I didn't hurt you did I?" She smiled and kissed him. "We'll not too bad I'm ok though" Sam saw and decided to let Steve know. "Hey cap!" Hey shouted as Steve looked at Josie and Bucky. "Dad he's awake" they both ran over. "Dad?" Bucky asked confused. "I'll explain later" she assured Bucky. "Steve" Bucky groaned. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked. "Your moms name is sarah" he started laughing remembering. "You used to wear newspapers in your shoes" Steve smiled. "Can't read that in a museum"

"Just like that we're supposed to be cool?" Josie rolled her eyes. "Yes just like that Sam" Bucky looks around. "What did I do?" "Enough" Steve reassured him. "I knew this would happen" Bucky mutters. "I not surprised that's hydra for you and all they have to do is..." she waits for Bucky to answer. "Say those goddamn words" steve looks at his best friends and his daughter. "Who was he?" Bucky was confused as well. "I don't know" he truly was confused. "People are dead buck the bombing the setup he did all that just to get ten minutes with you I'm gonna need you to do more than I don't know" Bucky thought back to what Zemo wanted. "He wanted to know about Siberia where I was kept" Josie groaned and then glared at Bucky. "Don't you dare say it or I'll kill you myself if you say it" she threatened.

"He wanted to know exactly where" Bucky added ignoring her. "Why would he need to know where?" Steve asked. "Cause I'm not the only winter Solider" Josie shook her head not wanting to do it but they insisted so she used her powers to look into Bucky's head. After they stopped Sam and Steve released Bucky so Josie could could continue cleaning his cut while they talked. "Who were they?" Steve asked Bucky. "Their most elite death squad more kill than anyone in hydra history and that was before the serum" Bucky explained.

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