Love That Girl

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"Mama! I'm off to the sock hop! I'll see you at 8" Little Mandy yelled as she exited her house.

Her mom, Elena, tried to catch her to give her curfew but her daughter was down the street. She was such a busy body.

"Callie! You ready? I'm fixin' to dance out my shoes tonight!" Miranda giggled as she met her bestfriend down the street.

"Mandy girl I'm diggin the dress! Yellow is your color." She put on some lip sheer.


Miranda had on her SockHop Yellow Dress with a white cardigan to cover her arms. She had her white lace trim socks and black Mary Jane leather flats.

Her hair was flat ironed and curled and she had a cute bow that sat atop of her head with the scarf.

Their High School held their last dance of the year a SockHop. The jukebox sat in the back, kids were up grooving and twisting. It was so much fun.


"Ooh there's Benjamin with his guys! Perhaps we oughta go talk to them?" Callie suggested sipping her cold drink.

"What you have lost your mind! We are not going over there. I would be like a dog with its tail in between its legs... But he is a dreamboat." I admired him.

He stood with his foot on the wall, shaking up and kickin it with his buddies. I often times find myself lost when I look at him. His smile and poise-

"Miranda! Girl if you don't stop staring he's gonna think you're a clutz. Ooh look our song come on!" Callie squealed pulling Miranda to the dance floor.


Everyone ran up dancing and grooving. Callie  and Miranda attracted quite the attention. They grooved with the other kids on the floor.


"Alright yall!" Everyone screamed around them. This event was fantastic! They walked to their table laughing and out of breath.

"Oh Lordy! I can hardly catch a breath. We definitely got down out there." Miranda said drinking her punch.

"Hey Miranda!" She heard someone call her from behind. As she turned around it was Benjamin.

"Y'all were groovy out there." He smiled at Miranda. She felt flustered and lowered her face.

"Why thank you Benjamin. We saw y'all getting down to." I laughed.

"Not like you, y'all were slammin! I'm going dancing if you'll join me." He wasn't asking and he wasn't telling me.

"I guess I can make an arrangement." He held his arm out and Miranda wrapped her arm through his as they walked to the floor.


A slow song played over the speakers and we grasped each other respectfully.


"Hey sunshine" Ben said smiling and I laughed in his face.

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