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"Hey Ben? You alright? You seem a little down after that last call." Herrera walked in after her shower and noticed Ben almost mute fiddling with his ring.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot to think about." He sat up from resting his legs on the coffee table and wiped his face.

"Is it your marriage? Anything happen to Miranda?" Her voice was full of concern. In her mind she was praying the next thing coming out of his mouth wasn't another separate or even worse, divorce.

"No she's good, even better than good. It's me and I realized that I've been giving her hell about returning back to work. I've been a jackass to her and I feel horrible." He knows Miranda had to feel it.

"You know she's strong, maybe she didn't think about it. You both are strong so I know this will pass. But... she did the one thing no one would think would ever happen and now she's found her bliss again, her dream. You have to go make it right."

"Well she's at work right now. It'll have to wait." He shrugged. Nothing couldn't be done until after.

"No we are making a store run. Let's go." She pulled him up and out the door to the aid car. When they pulled up at the convenient store he looked at her strangely.

"Okay we need flowers and a lot of them and cards. Teddy bears and chocolate. Ben you go find her something in here that she likes." She directed.

"Well we're gonna have to go to the jewelry store then." He laughed. Diamonds were a girls best friend. Plus she deserved his entire wallet for the way he treated her.

Once they were done they started their way to the hospital. Herrera knew it'd be closer to just go through the ambulance bay.

"Hey she's gonna see us if we come through this way. She knows the trucks." Ben stressed. He just wanted to drop her presents off and wait to see her at home.

"Calm down warren. We'll be in and out." And they were. They had to take a back way through the hospital when they heard Miranda through the halls. But they made it.

It was just a waiting game until he got that call from her.


Finally getting a breather, Miranda made her way to the Attending's lounge. She'd never would've thought she'd be back there after all this time.

When she walked through the door she saw her collegeages poking around this table full of gifts.

"What's all this?" She stepped forward looking at the stuff. The flowers were her favorite and she seen a lot of goodies she liked.

"Well it has your name on it. Are you gonna eat your candies?" One attending asked. She pulled the card from the flower and removed the tape to read it.

It was from Ben. She smiled and touched one of the many flowers. "Of course I'm gonna eat my candies. Back off." She gave everyone the eye and they hastily made their way out of there.

She grabbed her phone and called her husband immediately. When ben saw the call he let it go to voicemail. Partly because he was shying away from her because of what he did and he wanted her to see him at home.


When he got the voicemail from her, it warmed his heart. She still loved him. He heard it in her voice. Now it was time to go home.

He made sure to cook a little something for just the two of them and lit candles all around. Then he took some rose petals and splayed them on the floor.

When he heard the keys and Miranda walk in he grabbed her wine glass and walked to her. He saw she was holding the stuff he got her and he couldn't help but smile.

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