Never can say goodbye

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"You're too much for me right now." She hated to even say this. The one man she knew to be her happy ending, she had to let go.

The man who made her fall in love months into her divorce with her first husband. He showed he cared and showed that he truly loved her.

"I'm busy... being held together with tape and glue" she cried holding his hands. She lowered her head to rest in his chest.

Ben knew exactly what those words meant. His world shattered with each tear that fell down her face. The woman he loved was breaking up with him.

He held exhaled closing his eyes. Scared he would stop breathing at any moment. He took her hands Into his.

"Shhh" he whispered. He didn't want her to say anymore. He knew she was hurt just saying those words. He didn't want her to go through that trouble.

"You take care of yourself, okay?" Ben asked. He wished he could go back in time and change it all. He would do whatever it took just to keep her with him.

She shook her head silently. He kissed her hands before pulling away. Just doing that was enough to kill him. Why was this happening to him.

He walked away sniffling trying to catch his breath. He needed to leave asap. Or he would be a mess right on the hospital grounds.

He knew she was his one and only. She was his endgame. So for this to be happening really broke up his heart.

He looked back one more time and she wasn't there anymore. He closed his eyes and the tears fell.

Unlocking his car, he jumped in slamming his door. He hit his steering wheel multiple times before pulling off.

Miranda stood at her car. She watched him pull away fast and she knew he was upset. She broke his heart and now she wouldn't ever get him back.

Why couldn't her love life just go right. Why was she cursed with the finding true love. She loved Ben and knew they would be together forever, this sucked.

At home she sulked in her bed. In heartbreak and loneliness. Here she was crying over a man. He wasn't the problem though, it was her.

She thought she was strong and look at her now. Weak as ever. Her phone rung and she declined.

It rung again and she turned the phone over squinting from her eyes being swollen from crying. It was the chief calling her.

"Hello chief." She said trying her best to hide the fact that she was crying. She sat up wiping her face.

"Miranda where are you?" He asked. She perked up more.

"Um I'm at home now sir. Is there something you need?" I asked fixing my hair.

"Um no. Actually I'm breaking protocol calling you but it's Warren." He said. My heart dropped hearing his name.

"Sir we aren't together anymore, so-"

"Miranda." His tone scared her. What was wrong.

"Well if you still ca... no never mind." Knowing he would break HIPAA laws if he said anything. They weren't together so he needed to follow the rules.

"Did something happened to Benjamin?" She said strongly. When he didn't say anything she jumped out of bed.

Entering the hospital ER she walked back. There were people banged up pretty bad but she still didn't see anyone.

Looking on the Truama board she seen the Initials BW. Her chest caved in knowing something bad has happened.

She turned looking for Owen or Richard. Anybody to ask them questions but no one was there.

"Page Richard Webber now." She told the receptionist. She got on it in a hurry.

She paced keeping herself calm while she waited. She heard her name get called and Richard walked forward.

"Sir what is going on?" She asked nearly going insane. She was trying so hard not to cry or panic.

"Bailey I can't disclose patient information. If you guys broke up just wait until the surgeon comes out to talk to you." He said.

I pulled his arm as he went to walk away and looked at him.

"We may have broke up. But I still care for him.  I love him, so you tell me what the hell happened to him!" She yelled tears falling now.

"He was in an accident. Head on collision and he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. He flew out the windshield after his car flipped. It's not looking good." He whispered.

I gasped trying to catch my breath. Hearing what happened frightened me. I held my hands to my face crying.

"No! Please! I still love him. He has to make it!" I tried saying through my tears. It was hard catching my breath.

"Bailey. Meredith and Owen are working on him. Then Shepard is taking him for his second surgery. Go to my office and sit. I'll keep you updated." He dismissed me.

I walked the halls silently. The interns eyed me weirdly not knowing what was going on. My face was completely drenched in tears.

It was the next day when Richard woke me up on his couch. The surgery took hours.

"He coded three times. The brain damage was substantially dangerous. While Shepard was working he had a bleeder and his brain hemorrhaged." He told her everything.

Miranda broke down hearing that. Anyone knows no one is bound to come out of that alive. If they were, they were in a coma not expected to wake back up.

"We put him in a medically induced coma. To slow down the bleeding and hopefully it'll heal on its own. It's too much trauma for his body."

Miranda could have a heart attack with everything that has happened In the matter of a week.

"Please I need to see him." She asked while also stating. He pulled her up and walked her to his room.

The sounds of the machine breathing for him filled the room. His heart rate was so low. His face was not the beautiful face she left hours ago.

His arm and leg were cast up. His head was bandaged. How did they end up here? Part of her blamed herself for letting him go.

If she would've just sucked it up and didn't leave him. He would still be here and they could've worked it out. This was her fault.

"I shouldn't have let him go" Miranda sadly stated. She looked at him and the tube that went down his throat.

"Miranda. No one could have prevented this." Richard stated. He was worried for her.

"No this is my fault. I saw the way he left. He was so angry when he pulled off. I caused this." Her tears filled to the brim of her eyes.

"No" Richard said walking to her. She didn't answer. She just looked down at Benjamin in the bed.

He pulled her in a hug. She tried fighting him off and pulling away. She didn't deserve his pity.

"No Richard. Let me go." She cried moving her arms to his chest to create space as push him away. He just held tighter.

"Let me go! I did this. This is my fault." She cried pushing his arms. When she knew he wasn't letting go she broke down. Her body trembling.

Why did she let him go? She constantly asked herself.

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