Old ways a creepin'

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When I first started, this whole PRT thing, I thought this was my big break. No stress and the most safe way to make it home to my wife.

And it was, for a while. Then one thing led to another and my determination withered away. Piece by piece.

I spent the whole week arguing and trying to save the PRT. To get people to realize just because of one's careless action shouldn't mean closing shop for good.

Hell they had the best running the damn system. Me. But that's not enough.

So with much sadness and void I stand here, cleaning out my truck. Every medical solution went to the trash, every tool went to waste.

"Ben!" I heard from outside the rig. I'd know that voice anywhere. The whole reason I came up with this PRT in the first place.

My wife, Miranda Bailey.

She built me back up after every spiral. Just like today sitting here talking. I invited her to help clean the rig out with me.

She held a smile as I helped get her inside. She was short but still capable. We both got to work immediately speeding the process along.

"I'm so sorry baby." She ran her hand against my back as we sat next to each other. I exhaled at her touch.

She pulled my face towards her as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she held around my body and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Don't apologize. It sucks but it's not the end of the world." I brushed it off. Even though it bothered me down to my socks, I didn't want to endulge in that.

"You didn't deserve this. You have every right to be upset. You were betrayed and practically thrown under the bus." She spoke softly.

Miranda sat more upset than I was. I know she was probably stressing about me going back to running into fires.

I turned to face her.

"What are you thinking?" She looked worrisome towards me. I engulfed her hands into mine.

"I did this for us. Now I'll be back fire fighting. What will this mean for us? I know you stress about my job everyday and I just don't want to go through another sabbatical." I voiced worried.

I watched her eyes as they held hesitation. Her silence scared me more than anything right now.

"Baby talk...please." I begged.

"I won't lie to you and say I am still scared for you. This job is scary and thinking about losing you is my worst nightmare... but," she stopped.

"But? Come on your scaring me... Miranda?"

"I am better now. I've gotten a better handle on this. Your job. You've shown me so much life and dedication into this scary career of yours but I'm happy. So no sabbatical. Ever again." She smiled.

I exhaled laughing as she said those exact words I needed. We were okay. I know everything would be okay now.

"Don't get too happy. I'm still scared just not anymore like I used to." She juggled the statement around.

"Oh so you've grown fond of potentially losing all of this?" I asked pointing to myself. Watching her face spread a smile made my heart burst.

"Boy please. Don't say those words babe!" She whined and I pulled her into me kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry. And you will not have to worry about losing me. I still remember our pact, 'I'll let you die first'"

"As long as you remember that, we will be good." She huffed standing up. She leaned down and placed her lips against mine.

"Wanna break this in for memories?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. She let out a laugh that emerged through the whole building.

"You play too much Benjamin Warren. Absolutely not, I am going home. I'll see you later?" She turned asking.

"Um... actually I'm done here. I'm gonna come home with you and do some unwinding. I just hope your ready?" I stood.

"And why is that Firefighter Warren?" She asked sweet and sultry. Her hand sat on her hip.

"Because all of it will be on top of you, below you, and inside of you..." I spoke a whisper as I gripped her body to mine. She let out a soft gasp and moan .

"Let's go sir. Don't have me waiting all day." She kissed me deeply before pulling away and walking out the truck without my assistance this time.

She went ahead and got a head start on the way home. I had to close the truck up before I left and I wanted to get a quick shower in.

"Hey warren finished cleaning it out?" Sullivan walked past slowly.

I placed my hands in my pockets. Turning to look at him and for the first time I didn't want to punch the guy in his face. Kudos to my wife.

"Yeah she's all cleaned and officially closed."

"Look I hope we can move forward as a team. Even after everything that's happened around here."

"You mean after what you've caused?" I asked hostile. Sullivan smacked his lips getting ready to say something.

"Look I don't want to hear your lousy excuse of an apology. It's not wanted and damn sure not needed from me. I am going to go home to my beautiful wife. Who I just spent the last hour cleaning the truck out with. Not standing here talking to you."

Walking away felt more powerful. I don't know what type of juju my wife has but it's worked fast.

Moving hastily I changed into my outside clothes and rushed out the locker room.

"Warren where's the fire?" Dean called out.

"With my wife. Gotta go, see you Thursday!" I laughed as his face held pure disbelief.

I lift my phone to my ear, ringing my wife.

"Yes Benjamin?" Just hearing her made me drive ten miles over the speed limit.

"I'm on my way, be prepared when I walk through the door." I nearly growled as I hung up and made my way home expeditiously.

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