Foreplay that was interrupted

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Ben sat downstairs watching tv and eating his popcorn, wondering what his wife was doing upstairs.

Almost immediately when she arrived home, she jogged upstairs and shut the door after her.

She spoke briefly before yelling she'd be back and vanished. That was about an hour ago.

Now he just heard loud thuds and a loud smack before his wife yelped before she laughed. He asked her if she was okay but she ordered him to stay downstairs.

Sensing she was fine he went back and continued what he was doing before. At 9:38 their bedroom door opened and he paused to mute the tv.

"Baby?" Ben called out worried. She still hasn't come down.

"Did someone call the fire department.." he heard silently in the hall. Miranda appeared in Bens trousers and Fire jacket.

The suspenders covered her nipples, she wore laced black panties that were half covered by the trousers. The pants stopped to half of her hips because of how short she was.

"Baby.." Ben whispered smiling. Their sex life was never boring. When their kids were out the house they did just about anything.

This happens to be new on the list.

Miranda strutted into the living room hooking her thumbs on the suspender straps. The jacket hung off her shoulders.

She turned the radio on and stood in front of him. Ben looked up at her with dreamy eyes. This was his sexy woman and she was just as kinky as him.

"Because you are smoking.." she stood on the table pointing at Benjamin. She slowly removed the jacket from her arms and watched as Ben smiled scooting closer.

She ran her hands down the suspenders and her nipples made their imprint under the thin material.

Her thumbs hooked underneath the straps before slightly teasing Ben like she was taking them off but she slid her fingers up her body instead.

Ben sat quietly internally groaning. He had the best woman for him and staring her down was hard enough, let alone sit there.

His eyes twinkled as the light from the TV shined behind her. She finally made her
way off the table and made her way to him.

He licked his lips and opened his legs sitting back on the couch. Miranda turned with her back to him and sat In his lap.

"You like this Benjamin?" She turned slightly looking over her shoulder. She seen him strongly inhale before reaching for her hips.

He adjusted himself below her feeling himself completely uncomfortable underneath her. "More like love it. But I think you should turn around." He suggested.

She slowly turned then sat directly on top of him. The sight in front of him made him want to cry. If he could make a wish it would be to see her naked all the time.

"Baby... I'm gonna have to repent because my thoughts are going haywire." He bit his lip.

"Well with Tuck gone you can do whatever you want to me. Come on upstairs captain..." she smiled tilting her head towards the stairwell.

Ben lifted her up holding her ass and Miranda locked her arms around his neck. Ben was so happy and excited he started dancing and bouncing her on top of him.

Miranda threw her head back laughing and threw her arm out twirling it around, all while using her other arm to hang on to him.

"Yeah get it! Get it daddy!" She laughed twirling her hips up and down on him. This was probably the most fresh and unexpected surprise that had him ready to put her to sleep.

While dancing provocatively, they didn't see headlights run up the window. Signifying someone was pulling up.

It was until they heard a key enter the lock that their heads turned fast. Miranda jumped off of Ben and grabbed the jacket putting it on while he darted behind her.

He was rock hard and he knew it was very noticeable.

Tuck entered the room before stopping in his tracks and slowly looking at them. Both of his parents held a smile, only a kid had when doing something they weren't supposed to do.

"Hey baby! What are you doing here?" She asked holding her hands closed and arms tight against the jacket to hold it closed.

"I need more clothes for the weekend. What are you doing?" He asked stepping forward slightly and eyeing them weirdly.

"I- we are trying on clothes. I told your dad I wanted to try on his gear. It's super heavy." She huffed. Ben stood silently staring at Tuck.

"What about the music?" he folded his arms.

Miranda turned to Ben and he looked at her. They both giggled like teenagers. Ben leaned down and held around her waist to keep the jacket closed.

"That's the music she wanted to model to. We are just having fun in your absence." He smiled laughing.

Tuck backed off slowly still not fully convinced. Miranda and Ben didn't move an inch and watched as he walked away.

When tuck was out of sight they turned arguing  through whispers. If Ben would've stopped playing they could've been upstairs without tuck seeing them.

But Ben argued that if they were upstairs then it would've been worse because he would've heard them.

All while arguing they heard the door open again and they turned quickly fixing themselves. Ben pulled Miranda extremely close covering up his front half.

"Hey- um what's going on?" Tucker asked stopping by the door. He looked at the weirdly.

"Nothing and why are you walking in my house Tucker Jones? Tuck should be out in a minute." Miranda huffed.

"Oh I just needed to use the bathroom. Didn't know you guys would be in the middle of foreplay." He laughed.

"Um we are not! I was dressing up." Miranda seethed yelling. She moved her hand slamming it down and her jacket opened. Ben gasped and immediately rushed to hold it closed.

Everyone eyed each other not knowing what to say.

"You know what. I'll just hold it. Have fun and Tuck hurry up please." He laughed and walked out.

Tuck ran down the steps after his father. "Bye mom and dad. Behave." He pointed at them. Finally the door closed and they both exhaled.

"Welp that ruined the mood." Miranda walked toward the radio turning it off. She started to take off the jacket and walk to the room but Ben grabbed her arm.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked confused. Tonight was barely over and they were definitely going to continue their role play.

"Ben we were caught!" She pouted rolling her eyes. She folded her arms against her chest and stomped her foot.

"They didn't even have a clue about what we were doing. This is not over." He looked serious.

"Tucker knew. And the damn jacket fell open." She kept rambling on and on and Ben grew quite tired of it.

He meant what he said that it wasn't over and he was just gonna have to take over to get her to hush like the first time.

"We are finishing this in the bedroom." He walked to her.

"No we are not hornball. Ben!" She yelled when he threw her over his shoulder and ran toward their room.

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