Up in flames

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Miranda sat in her office going over some budgets. Her day was peaceful, quiet, and nobody came to bother her.

But when she heard that knocked she rolled her eyes to the top of her head. She threw a silent fit before yelling at whoever to come in.

To her surprise it was Herrera walking through. Miranda's eyes popped wide as she stood.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She smiled stepping forward. But then stopped

"Oh wait. Is Benjamin okay? You're not coming to tell me that he's dead in a room are you?" She asked praying to God that wasn't the case.

"Oh no! Bailey no!" Herrera said and Miranda exhaled. She directed her to the seat across from her desk before going back to sit down.

"What do you need?" She began writing on her papers.

"Um I was just stopping by to see how you were doing." She said hesitantly looking around the room.

"Um well, I am fine as you can see." She laughed, but slowly thought and stopped writing.

"Where is Ben?" She sat up straight.

"Ben is at the station on desk duty. He's okay Physically, i'm not sure mentally and emotionally." Herrera rubbed her hands together as Miranda looked at her weirdly.

"What are you trying to say?" Miranda sat back in her seat.

"Are you and Ben okay?" Herrera rushed out.

"Yeah we are fine. Just this whole custody battle is getting to us." Miranda shrugged. What was this all about.

"I know that... I-I'm just asking if you two are okay. The last time he acted like this, irrational and dangerous..."

Miranda stopped what she was writing and looked at Herrera. What was she talking about. Her husband was fine.

"Herrera what are you trying to imply here-" Miranda eyed her intently.

"It was when you two got a separation." Honestly Ben only acted out when him and Miranda had problems.

"Me and Ben are fine. We are together and very happy. Now what has my husband done?"

"He's dismissing orders and putting himself in harms way. The crash today with Owen and Hayes, he went right on to the scene without any clearance."

"This isn't the first time this week either. I get it... he's trying to save lives, but he's forgetting about his own life in the process."

Miranda sat back, exhaling and rubbing her hands on her thighs. She knew what was wrong with him and she was so mad that he wasn't talking to her.

"We talked about this. We had this talk and he promised me he would talk to me. Now you're telling me... My husband..." She couldn't bring herself to continue.

Herrera looked at her sadly and stood to go console her. She kneeled in front of her and rest her hand on her shoulder.

"Bailey it's gonna be okay. You both are going through something and this is to be expected. Ben is strong, I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose."

"No He's not even noticing at all! I just don't understand.... Thank you Herrera. I'll talk to him tonight." She wiped her face and took a deep breath.

She hadn't broken down yet and after everything with Pru's grandparents, she just couldn't.

"He's gonna be on desk duty for a while until we see him stable enough to get back out there. We set him up with our therapist a while ago, but he never showed to the appointments. Maybe you should go with him." Herrera suggested.

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