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(This will be a Vmin chapter also some of my books got deleted! I'm sad now)

It's been three day since Jimin told Taehyung about what Jungkook said. Jimin did told him that he apologize to Jungkook and other. That made Taehyung pissed and beat up Jimin.

Knowing that their friendship might be over but something happened that Jimin never thought of.

Earlier this morning, Jimin was surprised to see a text from Taehyung. Taehyung ask to meet at the park and bring lollipops.

Jimin pov

I stop at a gas station that was close to my home and walk to the nearby park that we usually hang out after school and do stupid shit.

I saw him sitting on the bench. I sat next to him and not looking at him because when he beat up me. It's left a big black eye on my right and a busted lip.

"Here" h3 hand me a bag of ice without looking at me. "Thanks" I quietly said.

Things were quiet.

"I want to say I'm sorry for beating you up, my mom found out from your mom and let just said last night wasn't good. But she made me realize bully is not okay" Taehyung place his hand on mine and told me. "I forgive you but you have to apologize to Jungkook and the other too" I told him. "I will" Taehyung smile.

"Um here is your lollipops" I hand him the bag. "Thank you, here the money" he gave me and I took it.

"Chim, I need to tell you something?" He ask. "What is it?" I ask. "This is really important to me, we been best friends for a very long time. You been with me even when I had so much trouble or when I came out not knowing you were like me" he grab both of my hands. "What I'm trying to say, I like you a lot, so much that some days I can't even sleep" he started to tear up. "W-when I beat you up, i-I thought it was over. I thought I lost you" he broke down. I knew he was sorry when he beat me up but he ran away.

"Tae, look at me. I like you too but we both have a problem" I told him. He look at me. "We need to change ourselves, making good choices and apologize to the people we hurt" I told him. He nodded then he place his head on my chest. "Hold me please" Taehyung whisper. "I will, I got you" I was rubbing his back, making him stop crying.

Short, I just had a bad day yesterday and some our books got deleted..

Guess I will make more then 😕

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