20 (HopeKook)

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Five years later

Jungkook woke up from the sun shining in his face. He look at his hubby who was still sound asleep. He smile and peck Hoseok forehead. He look up at the ceiling, smiling at the memories they had.

After school was officially over for them. They got married on the next month, it was small wedding. Taehyung, Jimin were invited so was Jungkook teacher who are Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi.

The honeymoon was amazing, they went to Hawaii and had many fun and the other type of fun. Hoseok was so lucky to find a guy like Jungkook so was Jungkook.

"Mm, baby are you awake?" Jungkook snaps out of his thoughts and look at Hoseok. "Yes, I been awake for a couple of minutes" Jungkook explain. Hoseok smile and kiss him. "Well good morning love" he kiss him again. "Morning hobi" they both sat up, stretching their body.

"What are we going to do today?" Jungkook ask, sitting on Hobi lap. (Jungkook chest was facing Hoseok chest)

"Maybe we can have your parents babysit Jungseok and we can have a fun little date"  Hoseok hand was trailing from Jungkook back to his ass. Giving a light squeeze. "I would like that" Jungkook peck him before getting off of his lap.

"I will call my moms" Jungkook went to grab his phone. Hoseok couldn't help it but stare at the younger, he was wearing one of Hosoek big shirt on him and wearing a short short. Hoseok was only in his gray sweat. "Okay, I go see if our baby is awake" Hoseok peck his head and left the room.

Jungkook gave birth to Jungseok two years ago. Jungseok is 2 years old. It was the most beautiful thing that happened to them.

Hoseok got to the baby room and saw that Jungseok was up, he was standing against his cribs bar waiting for someone.

"Da! Da!" Jungseok squeal, showing his bunny smile. He have Jungkook bunny face while he goth is dada look. "Hello my baby" Hoseok pick him up and noticed that his diaper is wet. "Look like you need to get clean" Hoseok told to himself.

Hoseok went to get the baby clothes and a clean diaper. He carry Jungseok to bathroom and take off his diaper the  got the bath ready.

After the bath, Hoseok put a diaper on and put on his outfit. (Your choice)

"Hobi, are you and Jungseok done?" Jungkook ask. "Yes, we are" Hoseok walk out with Jungseok in his arm. "Ma! Ma!" Jungseok made grabbing hands and Jungkook pick him up. "They should be here any minutes" Jungkook told him.

*Ding dong*

Jungkook's moms were and took Jungseok with them along with baby bags.

"Now that we are alone, I can do this" Hoseok smirked and lift Jungkook and pinned him against the wall. "Fuck Hobi!" Jungkook whined. "Tell me what to do to you?" Hoseok ask him. "Fuck me till I can't walk!" Jungkook moan as Hoseok rub himself on him.

(You can imagine the rest)

In the bedroom.

Clothes were scatter around. Two naked body, cuddling with each other with cum and sweat on them.

"Hobi~" Jungkook whined while he felt Hoseok leave. "I will be back love, I'm getting the bath ready" Jungkook nodded.

He still is laying down till Hoseok came back. He pick up Jungkook and went to the bathroom. He gently place Jungkook in and got in.

He grab soap and wash his and Jungkook hair. Then they raise off with a quick shower.

Once they were done, they got dress. Jungkook was wearing one of Hoseok hoodie and short. Hoseok was wearing a white t-shirt with black short.

"Hobi can we watch Dark Blue & Moonlight?" Jungkook ask the older. "Yes baby, go set it up while I get snacks" Hoseok kiss him.

Jungkook got the remote and got the show on, the first episode is ready to played.

Hoseok came back with four drinks, couples of many different snacks.

"I will be back" Jungkook walk to their room and came back with a fluffly huge blanket.

"My butt is still sore" Jungkook pouted. "Come here" Hoseok patted on his lap. Once Jungkook was comfortable, they put the blanket over them. It's was chilly outside. "So warm, let start shall we?" Hoseok kept a arm around Jungkook waist and Jungkook nodded.

They send their whole day watching BL shows or movies.

Hoseok look at the time on his watch and realize it was night time.

"Baby it's night time" Hoseok told him. "Oh really, Jungseok should be back soon" Jungkook got happy to see his little bean. "Yeah, let get clean up and we still have to changet he bed sheets" Hoseok said and that what they did.

Jungkook was in charge washing the bed sheets while Hoseok clean up.

Time skip

*ding dong*

The door bell rings.

"I'll get it!" Jungkook yelled, rushing to the door. Jungkook open the door and it's was his moms and Jungseok. "Mama!" Jungseok hug his mother. "Hi baby, go say hi to dada" Jungkook watch as Jungseok ran to his father. "Thank you for watching him mom" Jungkook hug Mary and Rosslyn. "You're welcome son, I hope you and Hobi had a good time making a new siblings for Jungseok" Rosslyn said. "Mom!" Jungkook whind and started to blush. "It's true son, anyway we need to go. Don't hesitate to ask us to babysit Jungseok" they left.

Jungkook walk to the living room where he saw his husband and son asleep. It's was a fun day today. Hoseok didn't finish a little so Jungkook finish for him.

Once he was done, he carried Jungseok to his crib. He turn the lights off and shut the door.

Hoseok was bow awake because when Jungkook got the Jungseok, he woke up because of the feeling.

"The bed sheets are done and set up on the bed. Let go to bed now" Jungkook told him. "Yes baby" Hoseok all the sudden pick up Jungkook almost making him squeal.

Once they were in their pjs, they got in bed. Cuddling with each other and close their eyes.

The end.

That is it! I hope you like this book. Also please just out our new book called 13 Reason why

My Bunny (HopeKook) ☑Where stories live. Discover now