Episode 5 "The Man in the Wall" Part 3

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-Venus POV-

It was the next morning and they had dug up the body Tutti found last night. Zack spoke as he looked at x-rays. "Dental records confirm that this is Eve Warren." Hodgins then comes up to us. "Insect activity confirms she died around the same time DJ Mount did." Temp then speaks, "Where did Booth go? I got to give him the news." I answered "Oh, Tessa came and brought him a change of shirt. If you really want to know then they will be up in the lounge." Temp nods and starts heading over there as she speaks, "Zack, clean the bones." "We've already got cause of death and identity. What am I looking for?" I speak for Temp as she leaves, "Zack... It might be grasping, but that odd mark found on Mount's skull? We should see if there is anything like it on Eve's remains." He nods as I stop and look at him. "Hey, where you by any chance at the crime scene when Temp, Angie, and I were high?" "Yesss." "Okay, good. Because as far as I know Han Solo was Booth. But I don't know who was the Emperor, stormtrooper, and Vader. Do you perhaps know who they were?" "Yes, I do. The Emperor was the owner of the club, the stormtrooper was his guard, and I was Vader." I blushed furiously "You were Vader... Oh gosh. I am sorry Zack. I didn't mean to jump and cling onto you like that." "It's alright, you are surprisingly light, and you weren't in the right state of mind." "Thanks Zack. All right let's get back to work then."

We were all now at the Angelator as Temp speaks. "Bone damage indicates that Eve was taken from behind and smashed into a wall." Angie takes over, "Her skull shows damage to both the infraorbital and supraorbital margins and the zygomatic process." Booth then tried to process what she said, "Zygo-zu...? You said she was killed by crystal meth." I nod "She was Ranger. She would've been hurt and stunned by the blow, but not killed- certainly not immediately." Angie continues "A bag of crystal meth was placed over her face, actually ground into her wounds- into the airway." Booth speaks "Rulz couldn't have smashed her into a wall?" Temp confirms saying "Her radius was separated from the scaphoid and trapezium." Angie continues "Her right wrist was twisted hard behind her back. There's damage to both the elbow and the shoulder, as well. For that to happen, Eve's attacker would've had to twist her arm up with his right hand while jamming the crystal meth into her face with other." I add "Both with a great deal of force. Rulz had been shot twice in the right hand." Booth then smiles "I got it. He had nerve damage." I nod as Temp speaks "There's no way he had the strength to kill Eve Warren.

Temp and Booth were in the interviewing room as I was on the other room watching as they question Rulz. Temp spoke first. "You did not murder Eve Warren." "This is a weird kind of interrogation, huh? Cops telling me what I didn't do." Booth then answers "Well, then, do me a favor: tell me Bones is wrong, and confess to a murder. Huh, pal?" "Hell, no, man. What you think, I'm some type if idiot?" "Well, do me a favor- deny it." See? You got tricks. You going to twist all my words around. Better not say anything at all." Temp then says again "You didn't kill Eve Warren." "So you say. The Rulz say nothing." Booth then says "He wants us to hold him." "Why?" "Why? Because every time some rapper gets murdered, his business goes straight through the roof." I nod knowing it's true as Rulz speaks "Why should DJ Mount get the bump, huh? Maybe it's my turn." Booth then walks up to him "I'll tell you what. I'll make you a better deal. You tell us what we need to know, and I'll have those charges laid against you, put you in the Remand Center." I start laughing watching this play out seeing Temp's face full of confusion as Rulz asks. "For how long?" "Oh, that depends on what you tell us." Temp then goes up to Booth "Wait! Wait! You're negotiating to put this guy in jail?" Booth just continues with his deal "Sweeten the pot, I'll charge you with Mount's death, too. Let you hire one of those moron lawyers, and you'll be thrown in lockup for what, maybe a month?" "Sweet." I just can't stop laughing at Temps confused state as she says, "Where am I... in Backwards World?" Booth continues to ignore her as he talks. "What have you got?" "Look, I can tell y'all why Mount got killed. But y'all have to figure out the rest on your own." Temp then asks "We have to figure it out just from motive?" Booth finally talks to her as my laughter dies down. "Okay, look, Bones, this is, you know, sort of my thing." "Man, Mount was going to jump." Temp asks, "You mean commit suicide?" "Where did you find her?" "Museum." "I mean labels. Jump labels." Booth chuckles "You're saying DJ Mount was going to leave Bassment Records?" "All he needed was the money to buy himself back. That's why he got himself killed. Now, if Hall even finds out that I told you all that much, I'm going to end up some dried-out mummy in a wall." Temp then asks, "But what about Eve?" "Eve couldn't kill nobody. Sex 'em to death maybe, but that's about it. Oh, one more thing. The next day, Hall built me a new studio. Took it out of my money, too. So, you going to put me in jail?" Booth gets a cherry "Well, you know, hey, it's the least we can do, hmm?"

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