-Venus POV-
Temp, Booth, and I are walking through the memorial sight as I look around feeling a bit jumpy, so I wrap my arm around Booths as starts speaking. "I never get used to the magnitude of this place, what it's taken to keep this country free." I nod as Temp speaks, "All societies build monuments to their dead to convince future combatants that it's an honor to die in battle." "Well, for these servicemen, it was, you know? And somebody to use this place to protest the war-- it just pisses me off. These are the lives that gave them that right. These men- they should be respected." "If they're really respected maybe not so many of them would be buried here."
I didn't know what to say as I just watch the conversation between the two as Booth answers back, "Are we going to get into something here, Bones?" "I don't see why. I think we three wish this place were a lot smaller." I nod as a man call over to us, "Agent Booth, Dr. Brennan, Dr. Venus, right this way." He starts leading us as he explains, "Must have happened in the middle of the night. Place is so big no one saw the fire." We were getting close to the site as I release my arm from Booth as he gave me a small comforting squeeze on my arm telling me that I got this. I gave him a small nod and we all head towards Zack who was taking pictures. Zack turns around and starts explaining, "The accelerant was charcoal starter." The FBI agent informs us, "We didn't find a suicide note." Temp then asks, "If he was a protestor, wouldn't he leave a note?" I answered, "Didn't need to. It's on Charlie Kent's grave." Booth nods, "Press was coming out this morning to do a tribute to him. It's the one-year anniversary of his death." Temp then asks, "Charlie Kent?" "He was in the National Guard. He was about to be drafted by the NBA when he got shipped out to Iraq. He gave his life taking out a group of insurgents to save his unit. Won the Silver Star."
I start to feel cramped, but I continued on, "It's male, African descent, approximately 20 to 29 years old. It's a bit early to determine cause of death." Booth then adds, "I am not a pro, but I'm guessing fire." I shrug as Temp gives him an annoyed look. I stand up as the agent speaks, "The White House and DoD want an ID as soon as possible." Brennan then speaks, "So they can brand him a traitor." I look down at Temp as Booth says, "Why do you have to be so cynical?" "I'm not cynical. It's a necessary part of the psychology of warfare-- heroes and villains. Without clear distinctions like that, we'd never be able to fight." "Yeah, well, I always found being shot at is a motivating factor." I look at the Agent, "We will get the ID as fast as we can. Could we bag these fragments of his clothing. We should also get any singed plant life or debris you find around him." Zack nods, "I'm on it."
I look up seeing Booth looking at a Tomb stone as I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. Temp walks over to us, "What?" Booth answers, "That was Jamie Richards. We were in the Rangers together. He was hit by a roadside bomb just outside the Green Zone. You know, he left a... wife and two kids. The fact that he was near this..." I console him as Temp asks, "You believe somehow he's still here watching?" "Yeah. You don't. I get that." "I know you think he was a good man. That's... That's enough for me. Zack, I want pictures of all remaining tissue before he's moved." I watch as Temp leaves and I bend down by Booth and look up at the sky, "I understand... I lost someone who was a father figure to me... He also left behind a wife who was pregnant. I guess he was practicing being a father with me, but he was gunned down protecting one of our men..." Booth looked at me as I look down back at him, "I believe Richards would like us to catch the person who did this and bring back peace to this site." He nods and I stand back up and head towards Temp.
We are back at the lab on the platform watching the news, "The unidentified suicide victim was found at Private Kent's grave this morning. Services had been planned to honor Kent on the one-year anniversary of his death in Iraq. The war hero..." Boss then starts to speak, "Ah... I used to love watching Kent play. He could fly." Zack adds, "He made 46.4% of his three-point attempts in his last season." "A basketball fan. I'm surprised, Mr. Addy." I chuckle as Brennan, "Zack, I'd like you to keep cleaning the bones." Zack then asks, "Did you see the game against North Carolina? 53 points, and he grabbed 18 rebounds." "Zack..." "Sorry. Cleaning" Boss then speaks, "It's difficult knowing Kent will never play again. It makes the war so real." Hodgins then speaks, "Which is odd, since it was all fiction that got us there in the first place." I froze when he said that as Boss asks, "So you don't think we should stand up to tyrants?" "Sure. I've been waiting for the press to do that for three years now."
Broken Bones
FanfictionWhat if Dr. Brennan had a little sister all this time? Venus, who is 9 years younger than Temperance Brennan had started working in the Jeffersonian Institution at 18. Already having three doctorates' degrees and whole lot of secrets about her past...