Episode 37 "The Boy in the Time Capsule" Part 1

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-Venus POV-

Today we were call up to a high school reunion as they found a body. Temp, Booth and I are walking towards the football field as Booth says, "Wow! Now this is a sweet field. This is what I'm talking about. Right? I mean, it's nothing like ours, but, hey, that didn't stop me from being MVP my senior year. Got the trophy, touchdown!" I looked at him, "I thought those type of people were myths, but you were one of them huh Ranger?" "One of what?" Temp then cuts in, "In certain tribes, in the African subcontinent, piercings serve as a reminder, like your trophy of the power and agility, which has since faded away." "What do you mean, faded away?" Temp and I just look at him as he continues, "Whoa! Time out. Can we just concentrate on the case? What do we got here?" 

He asks the school security guard as he says, "We were all gathered for the opening. We had no idea that that thing was in there." We then see a time capsule and crowbar stuck in the skulls eye. Booth then proceeds to whistle, "... Whoa! That is rank." "I was just expecting to see my 10,000 Maniacs album." We then hear another person as I go up to the time Caples and look at the structure of the tank. "That was not there." Booth looks at the man, "Who are you?" "I'm Gil Bates. I sealed it myself. I used a..." Him and I speak at the same time, "Propylene seal and industrial bolt lags." Gil looks at me smiles and nods, "Yes, that's exactly it." I nod, "It's very well built." "Thank you." Temp looks at the skull, "Adolescent, Caucasian male, late teens, early 20s."

Booth nods looking at what he wrote and asks, "All right, so, what do you say we just pack it all up and ship it back to the Jeffersonian?" Gil then speaks, "Oh, I'm sorry. That's not a good idea. You see, the water has compromised the structure integrity of the case, so..." Booth chuckles as I was just listening, "Well, will you look at this, Bones, Blueberry. Another nerd for your squint squad." I chuckle, "I will keep that in mind. But for this capsule I will need a drill." "Drill. Drill? Whoa, wait a second. Your going to drill it right here? What about taking it all back to the Jeffersonian?" I was handed the drill as I say, "Didn't you hear what Gil said Ranger, we can't. Tub." They put down a tub in front of the capsule as I start drilling to the lower side. It goes all the way through as I pull it out as the three of us watch the liquid coming out.

We are back in the lab as Temp and I start playing the disk of when the students were putting stuff in the time capsule. We watched, "Yeah! A 187 Foothill High School yearbook, of course." People applause and cheering, "How about th-the ghetto blaster?" "Whoo! Yeah!" "Rubik's Cube?" It was silent for a moment as someone else says, "How about this? CD, no needle required." "In 20 years, they'll be able to put hundreds of those on a microchip." I then look at Zack as he begins to talk, "Victim had several ante-mortem fractures to his sternum, as well as several antemortem fractures to the lateral sections of his ribs." Temp asked, "All healed?" "All healed at different times. I had a Michael Jackson glove. I've never mentioned that before." I chuckle, "We just learned something new about you Zackaroo." We then hear Hodgins coming up to us, "I loved Chevy Chase. We all have our crosses to bear." Temp then says, "The fracture on the right clavicle is fresh. Well, was, 20 years ago."

We then hear Hodgins chuckle, "Oh! Mullet alert!" We look at the screen seeing a bad mullet as Cam comes over also seeing the mullet, "Ooh, that's a nasty one." I then speak, "Ranger has a list of all the students who didn't make it to the capsule opening, and he's pulling the names of anyone connected to the school in 1987 who had a record. Do you have the yearbook Cam?" "Yes I do." Angie then comes over to us. "Oh, my God, I'm getting flashbacks to braces and stirrup pants and a really, really bad side ponytail." Hodgin adds, "You certainly grew out of it. I wore Doc Marten's that weighed more than I did." Temp adds, "Apparently Booth was fine. He was a football player." Angie nods, "Right. He was one of those guys. Well, this guy certainly wasn't hanging out with the cheerleaders, but I bet he had some love notes stashed away in his Spaceballs binder." We look at the drawing as Zack speaks, "I think I saw him in the video." 

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