Episode 47 "The He in the She" Part 2

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-Venus POV-

I am back in the lab in the bone examination room with Temp, Cam, and Vincent as Cam brings up an image as she says, "Bone marrow and liver remnants contain high concentrations of ethinyl estradiol, medroxyprogesterone acetate and spironolactone, which is an anti-androgen." I answer, "Hormone replacement therapy." Vincent adds, "Very healthy bone mass. High percentages of calcium and vitamin 'D." Temp asks, "Which indicates?" "A health nut." I nod as Cam continues, "Toz screen shows Stamaril, Havrix monodose and Engerix-B." "Vaxinations?" "Yellow fever, Hep 'A' and Hep 'B." I nod adding, "All necessary for traveling to the Far East." Vincent then speaks, "Did you know that only 20% of Americans have passports?" We just looked at him as he looks back at us, "That's not irrelevant. It- Perhaps that's why there's no record of this guy- woman- having a sex change. It could've happened in, you know, Thailand." I nod, "That was good." Cam nods as well, "Yes, very good, Mr. Nigel-Murray."

Temp then says, "Though conjecture is not really what we do here in the lab, so-" Cam gives her a look as I elbow her as she then quickly says, "But... very good- Mr. Nigel-Murray." Vincent smiles a bit feeling proud as Temp looks at Cam and I as I give her a nod and smile. I then look at Vincent, "You know what? We should take a break right now Vincent." Vincent stammers looking at Temp not knowing what to say as I go around looping my arm around his as I say to her and Cam. "We'll be up on the second floor taking a break. See you later." They nod as I drag Vincent out with me. We are know drinking coffee on the second floor lounge with Hodgins taking a break with us as well. I was sitting next to Hodgins on the couch as Vincent took the chair as he then asks us, "Can I ask you two something?" I nod as Hodgins says, "Oh, God. Is there any way to say no?" I quickly elbow Hodgins as he yelps as I say, "Sure. What do you want to ask?" "Whatever happened to whoever it was who used to work here before me?" I stay silent looking down at my lap as Hodgins looks at me and takes a deep breath, "He joined forces with a serial killer... who was the last in a long line of cannibalistic murderers... specializing in knocking off members of secret societies... and building skeletons out of their body parts."

Vincent is silent for a moment as he then says, "Wow. I- I hope that doesn't happen to me... So he- he's not coming back?" I then speak with a small sad smile, "No. He's locked up for the rest of his life. But we all still like him." Hodgins nods agreeing, "Yeah, we do." Angie then comes in, "Excuse me." Vincent looks at her, "Mmm. Hello, hello, hello." I chuckle as Angie looks at him as Hodgins says, "Are you familiar with the expression, 'that's way too much car for you'?" "I beliece that's one of ours actually. So, yes." Angie then says to Hodgins, "Hey. I wanna show you something." Vincent then says, "I want to show you something." I keep a hold in my laughter as Angie looks at him, "Vroom, vroom, kid. You're already in my rearview mirror." I cough to disguse my laughter as Angela continues sitting right next to me, "Booth said the F.B.I> couldn't find any record... of an official name change or anything showing... who Patricia Ludmuller was before the sex-change operation."

Hodgins then says, "It's possible she had her surgery done in the Far East." Vincent then says, "In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak." I nod not really understanding the relevance as Angie continues, "Anyway, what I did was-" She shows us a sketch she did, "Here she is as a woman." Vincent adds, "Hmm, not bad. I mean- I mean, th-the sketch. It- Okay? Mm-hmm." Angie continues turning it to the next page of the same woman but a bit different, "Here I made her more masculine. I made the bony prominences more robust, increase the size of the mastoid processes and the nuchal crests." Hodgins then says, "Seldom seen bigger nuchal crests." He stands up as Angie then asks, "It doesn't look like anybody you recognize?" Hodgins and I look at the sketch a bit more taking in every detail as he asks, "Should it?" I shrug not seeing it as Angie turns to another page, "I also added facial hair. Do you recognize him now?"

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