Episode 41 "The Verdict in the Story" Part 1

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-Venus POV-

We are at a crime scene as Booth says, "Bones, Blueberry, you know, you are not going to believe this one." I nod following him as Temp says, "What? You said that about the guy who was stuffed inside a huge truck tire. I believed that." "Yeah, that was a good one." I then say, "Hey this one may outdo the last one Temp." Booth then leads us to where the body was, "But this is a whole new level of weird." "I can't wait to see what you got for us Ranger." He moves out of the way as Temp and I see a skeleton on its stomach arched back with their heads up high and arms holding onto their legs. Temp and I say at the same time, "Whoa." Booth smiles feeling proud for amazing them. Temp then says, "I don't believe it." "Mm-hmm, what'd I tell you? Why can't you be more like Blueberry when I try to show you something cool instead of retorting it?" "Because she likes to please people." I wasn't sure if that was a complement or an insult, so I decided to overthrow that statement and focus what we have right in front of us.

Temp then asks as we both go up closer and walk around it, "How could this happen?" Booth says, "Whoa... maybe he was rolled up in a carpet." I shake my head as we then hear Temp chuckle. We look at her confused as she asks, "Where is the carpet?" Booth shrugged, "Well, rotted away, you know, with the meaty parts." I just looked at Booth not sure how to put it for him as we then hear Temp laughing. We then looked at her as Booth asks, "What?" "That..." "It's possible." She kept on laughing as we stare at her as I then explain to Booth, "Ranger that would've taken thousands of years." He nods as Temp was still laughing as we just looked at each other questioning on why that was so funny.

I could understand the humor of it, but I didn't really find it that funny as Temp did. Booth and I just watch her as she tried composing herself. "Uh, the bones should be in a pile, but... something is holding them together and..." She couldn't control her laughing. I didn't try to stop her since it was one of those rare occasions where Temp could actually enjoy herself even if it is at a crime scene. Booth then asks her, "What is with you?" Temp snorts, "Rolled in a carpet?! 'Meaty parts'!" Caroline then comes in as we faced her as she says mostly towards Temp, "Excuse me?" Temp tries to calm down, "Ah... uh, oh..." "What is so funny?" "Nothing." I should hope not because there's a dead body deserving of respect right in front of you. What happened to him?" Temp couldn't hold it any longer and starts laughing as Booth and I just looked at each other not knowing what to do in this sort of situations.

Caroline then says to Booth and I, "I did not know she could laugh. I thought little miss scientist here was most like be the one all jittery." Booth then asks, "What are you doing at the crime scene?" "Dr. Brennan and Dr. Venus is suspended from all crime-related duties." The three of us where shocked as we said, "What?" Temp adds, "What, for laughing at Booth?" I then say, "For not stopping Temp from laughing at Booth?" Booth then says, "That doesn't really bother me and I even don't know how to stop her from laughing like that." Caroline shakes her head, "We have a date for your father's murder trial. Booth is the arresting officer. You three can't work together until it's over." I sigh nodding understanding unlike Temp who doesn't understand the situation that much as she says, "This is not necessary." Booth nods adding, "They don't need to separate us." "We're very compartmentalized." "Very compartmentalized." Caroline looks at the two, "Take it up with the FBI, cheri." She walks away as Booth then says, "Now, that sucks." Temp and I nod as I say, "This one looked really interesting." "Yeah. Really, really interesting. I'll let you both know what happens." 

I then think about it, "Wait! That means you can't use my people for this case Ranger." "Why?" "Because I'm the director of the Jeffersonian Institution." He scoffs, "I forgot about that." Temp then says, "You're not going to solve it without us." Booth just pauses as I tried not to laugh as he looks at both of us as Temp gives him a it's true look.

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