Episode 88 ''The Doctor in the Photo'' Part 2

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Venus POV

The following morning I meet Temp and Booth at the dinner. We are eating some breakfast as Booth gives us an update on the case on his side. I ask, "So, Dworsky has an alibi?" "Yeah, I tell you the killer had to have, uh, buried Lauren Eames in that park. It had to have been in the middle of the night."

We nod as Temp adds, "Yes. He would have been visible to traffic during the day." "Yeah, the whole month of November, Dworsky was with his- his son, you know, at-at the hospital. And I have a better suspect."

We looked a bit interested as I ask, "Who?" "Well, canvassing the area for witnesses, the city cops heard about a woman matching Dr. Eames' description getting stabbed." Temp asks, "By whom?"

"Oh, a drug dealer, who, uh works a corner about a block and a half from where her remains were found. Guy is coming into the FBI. I'm gonna question him in about a half an hour, if you two want to be there when I question him." I nod, "Yeah... we'll be there."

He nods, "Great, see you two then." He then leaves as Hodgin just comes in as he comes over to us seeming to have something. He asks, "So, remember the funky leaves?" I nod, "Of course." "I found concentrations of noscopine. and papavarine in the root system."

I ask a bit surprised as it connects with what Booth told us earlier about the new suspect, "Opiates?" "Yeah. So maybe the victim was a drug addict." I think about it, "She doesn't strike me-" But Temp cuts me off as she was very adamant, "Lauren was not a drug user."

Hodgin didn't know where that came from as he glances at me for help. I then suggest to put Temp more at ease, "I was thinking the same. But we can check the bone density test, just to figure on what's going on." Hodgin nods, "Right. I can do that."

Temp nods, "If you two think it's necessary. I'm going to the FBI." She leaves a bit distraught as the waitress comes over giving Hodgin the bill, "Thank you." He looks at it as I take it, "I got it. Thanks..." He nods a bit asking, "Is she okay?" I nod a little, "I hope so..."

We were at the FBI headquarters as I watch from the other room as Temp and Booth interrogate the suspect who tells them, "I don't remember stabbing nobody." Booth nods, "Okay, let me refresh your memory. It was the same woman you killed six months ago and then buried under a tree."

The man shakes his head insisting he didn't do anything and fed up with Booth who continues as he takes out a picture of the victim, "Okay, let's just be clear. It's her we're talking about, right?"

The man glances at the image then quickly looks away shaking his head as Temp says standing by the wall, "See. Booth, I told you, it's not her." Booth tells him, "He's not shaking his head because it's not Lauren Eames.

He's shaking his head because he wants us to know he didn't do it. But what he doesn't know is that we have a witness to the stabbing. And Dr. Brennan here can tie you to the dead body through DNA, and a bunch of other scientific stuff."

The man sighs and takes a moment to think before speaking, "You know what? This conversation- there's nothing in it for me, man, so..." Booth nods, "Okay, fine. We're done. I got you for murder. It's been a long day. I'm tired."

He looks at Temp standing up making his way to the door, "You want to go home? I'm tired." Temp nods agreeing, "Yes, I'm very tired." This makes me smile a bit as it gets the man to break, "Okay, wait, wait, look!"

They both stop and turn to him listening to what he has to say, "Look, I didn't stab her, man. I... I gave her a poke to make her go away." Temp then asks, "Why was she even talking to you?" "There's only one reason rich white people like you come to Woodland."

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