Episode 71 "The Proof in the Pudding" Part 1

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Venus POV

I am in Temps office as Booth brought us pizza as he tells us, "It's clear as a photograph. You don't see anything in the cheese?" Temp and I shake our heads as he says, "Nothing. You two don't see anything?" I shake my head as Temp says, "Seeing patterns where none exits is a symptom of schizophrenia. Why? What do you see?" "Michael Jackson doing his-" He then does the iconic Michael Jackson move as we just watched amused as Temp says, "I don't know what that is." I then stand up smiling, "I do! Ranger here had showed me the-" I copy his move standing next to him as he smiles, "See she gets it. Come on, you don't see anything? It's like when a kid, he looks up at the sky and he sees the clouds-" Temp nods, "Oh, I get it. Yes. Your mind forms patterns from random information." Booth nods as I sit back down at the seat as Temp says, "Um, Booth, I have a lot of work." He nods, "Right. No. I-I just wanted to bring by the pizza so you two could eat. It's important that you eat. I will, uh-" He then does another pose going out the door and then moonwalks out as I chuckled a bit.

I then stand up, "Well, I will go as well and let you work. Let me know if you need anything." She nods as I leave as well while taking a pizza with me. As I was walking, I bump into Sweets. "Oh, hi Sweets. You here for something?" He nods, "Yeah, I'm here to pick up those strength deployment inventory results from Cam. Do you know where she is?" I shake my head, "No, I don't... But she should be around here. I'll help you look for her." He nods, "Thanks." We were walking and talking a bit as we then see Cam walking up to her as she sees us as well. She then says to me, "Thank goodness I found you." I nod, "Is there something wrong Cam?" "Are you pregnant?" Sweets and I looked at her confused and a bit shocked as I say, "What?" "Sorry, but I found this in the bathroom in which only four of us use and I already asked Dr. Brennan and well you know she doesn't do anything without planning." I nod, "Your right about that. Plus, she would've told me if she was." Cam nods, "Right. So, I'm hopping it's either you or Angela. So please tell me it's you. I mean you and Wendell are young, both are sexually active, and the chances are very high..." I looked at her with wide eyes as I then say, "I... uh... sorry, but I don't think so. I haven't used a pregnancy test before... Should I get one?" It seems that Cam catches on that I had no idea and just put an idea on my mind as she says, "Oh gosh. I didn't mean to panic you. It's because Michelle was in the bathroom there earlier and I just want to figure it out if it wasn't her." I just nod as Sweets says, "Wow, this is a very shocking moment. You know..."

I look at Sweets cutting him off, "Sweets... I think the psychology could come later... But don't you have something to ask Cam." "Oh, right. Sorry. Dr. Saroyan, I was hoping I could pick up those strength deployment inventory results from you." "Oh." "You didn't hand them out." "I was going to. But there was... real work that needed doing. Next week for sure." "Okay, but these aptitude tests will help you as an administrator... to put the right people in key positions to-" But he could tell Cam was agitated to go somewhere else not really paying attention to him, "You're not listening to me." "No offense intended." She then leaves as I pat Sweets back, "Don't worry Sweets. I will hand them out for her today." He nods, "Thanks." I then ask, "One more thing." He looks at me questioningly as I continue, "We are close friends, right?" He nods, "Definitely." "Great. Do you think you could get me a pregnancy test?" He looks at me shocked, "Uh, I... me?" I nod, "I can't go out today because there are many things I need to run by in the lab and see what needs any fixing. So, I'm asking you as a friend if you could go get me one." "Is this because of what Cam said? And now you have a sort of paranoia that the possibility that you could be pregnant." I nod, "Your exactly right. So please help put a friend at ease." We look at each other for a few seconds as he sighs giving up, "You do realize that it's going to be embarrassing for me as well." "I know, but you get to be the first to know and I will let you use any one of my cars for two weeks." He looks at me, "Any car for two weeks?" I nod as he gives me a thumbs up leaving.

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