Episode 85 ''The Shallow in the Deep'' Part 2

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Venus POV

Booth can see how upset I became as it seemed to touch a nerve as he asks, "Who was it?" I look at him for a brief moment, "Record number 2." He nods looking at his computer as he pulls up record 2 file as I could see him tense reading the child as he says slowly looking at me, "It's you... you're the survivor."

I nod a bit as he continues, "You knew all of them... these are the kids you told us about. That's how they're all connected, with one another. They were all in the experiment program, weren't they." I just stay silent as he could see it was all true, he then comes to conclusion why I have this drive as he asks, "You're looking for any relatives or close friends that remember them before being taken, aren't you?"

I nod as he adds, "You think this kid Hunter Lang is related to your Jaxxon." I nod once again, "It has been years since everyone passed away, but I can never forget their faces... and this kid Hunter strikes a real close resemblance to him. I'm sure that the two are related." He nods as he then looks at my file once more over as he comes to a conclusion, "I'll call up some of your siblings foster homes and see what I can find."

I look at him as I felt a warmth inside of me slowly blooming as I smile a bit not noticing a tear slipping down my cheek as Booth then places a hand on mine as he gives me a comforting smile adding, "You don't have to do this alone anymore Venus, you're no longer alone." Some more tears slip out as I nod almost forgetting that I have people who care for me and will always stand beside me no matter what, as I smile laughing a bit, "You're right- you're right."

Booth stands up and gives me a hug as I accept hugging him back. After a few minutes we separate as I felt much better as he then grabs Hunter Langs file and the drive as he looks at me, "Let's go find Hunter then." I nod and follow him out of the door.

It was evening as we arrived at the docks where Hunter Lang was said to be at as Booth tells Sweets and Temp, "So, the parole officer didn't have an address on Hunter Lang, but she said that he works on a boat at the end of the dock called the Dandeana." Sweets then says, "You know, it's possible he was drawn to the sea because the isolation mimics his childhood environment." We all look at him as Booth tells him, "You know, you're overthinking this." Temp adds, "There's no such thing as overthinking. You may think incorrectly, or inadequately or fasely, but the notion of-"

Booth then cuts her off getting it, "Great, got it. Got it." We then continue walking along the dock quietly as Sweets then says, "Okay, so, since you three saw the incident, I've decided to take Agent's Booth's advice. Anyway, even though Daisy and I aren't dating, I've decided we can still enjoy each other's company, casually, once in a while." My face scrunched up a bit as I then say, "Sweets... I'm sorry, but I really don't need to know what goes on in that part of your life. You can keep it to yourself."

Temp nods agreeing not understanding why he's telling us, "I'm not sure why I should care. Are you planning on having sex somewhere that we will witness it?" "I hope not." I then add, "Please don't. And if you think you'd try, then please don't ever do that at the Jeffersonian. Please..." My face looked dreadful as if I seen it all as Booth just pats my back as Temp then tells Sweets, "Then I definitely don't care." I nod as we make a left as Booth adds, "I'm with them. This way."

We finally reached the end of the dock as we see the boat as we looked a bit surprised as we hear a woman say to some upcoming passengers, "Ladies! Shoving off!" Booth then says, "Yeah, well, so much for that isolation theory, Mr. Expert on Foster Care." We look at the sign as it says, 'Welcome Aboard Cougar Cruise' I then say, "I never really thought I'd enter one..." Booth nods agreeing as Temp then says, "Well, I've heard about these events. They're designed to facilitate intercourse between older woman and younger men." We nod as Booth says, "We got that, Bones."

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