Episode 78 ''The Witch in the Wardrobe'' Part 2

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Venus POV

I am back in the lab as we Cam got the evidence and told me that Angie and Hodgins had to wait until bail since the Sheriff made a great point, so we now are talking to them on the computer as we see them behind bars as Clark says, "Nice cell." Hodgins then says back, "It's not much, but we call it home. Angie then adds, "Yeah, we're thinking of redoing the kitchen." I chuckle a bit as I then pull up an image of what Clark found earlier as I explain, "This here is amber." Hodgins nods, "It's melted at 400 to 700 degrees Fahrenheit- temperatures easily reached in the fire." Angie then asks, "Is that a bug in there?" Hodgins then says excitedly, "Oh, yeah, baby. Check out those tibial bristles." We then see the Sheriff in the view looking at the computer image as Angie and Hodgins looks at him. This makes Cam and I chuckle a bit and amuses Clark a bit as well as Angie says to him, "There's plenty of room in here, Sheriff, if you wanna join us." We see him move away, "Oh, no. That's against regulations." I then say, "I'm fairly certain we're looking at Nedocosia naiba. But just in case I'll verify with the entomology department." Hodgins nods, "Yeah, good idea. It's a fungus gnat." Clark then asks, "Okay, does that help with time of death?"

I shake my head, "No, and this gnat would've had his last fungus about 100 million years ago. in the Lower Cretaceous." Angie then says, "So if we remove the D.N.A., we could re-create dinosaurs, right?" I chuckle, "That would be a huge discovery and not really something we should be having currently in this time and age." Angie nods a bit understandingly as Hodgins says, "It was probably an amber pendant from an ordinary piece of jewelry." Angie then asks, "What's with the hair?" We looked confused as Clark asks, "What hair?" Hodgins then says, "Oh, yeah, she's right. Check out that speck at 3:00." I move the image over a bit as we see the hair as I say, "The amber probably picked up a piece of hair when it melted in the fire." Clark then says, "But our victim's hair was gray and wavy." Hodgins then says, "Yeah, but this one is dark." Cam then says, "If the root bulb's present, it could be an indicator the hair was forcibly removed." We then hear from the Sheriff, "So that could be from the prep." I smile as Hodgins and Angie give him a look as he says, "Sorry. Caught up in the thrill of the chase." I chuckle a bit, "It's alright Sheriff, we all do when getting a new piece of evidence." Cam then says, "I'll run D.N.A. So, how are you guys doing?"

Angie was first to speak, "Uh, well, I mean, we'd- we'd like to get out of here, if that's what you mean." "I'm sure you will. Thanks, guys." We end the video call as we all get back to work as I go over to Temp and work with the victims. About two hours later Cam comes up the platform to us, "The hair in the amber gave us a hit. CODIS says it belongs to one Murray Huddler," She brings up an image of the suspect as she adds on, "convicted of assault in 2008. Paroled last October. Now, this may possible go towards a motive." She then pulls out an article that described the assault attack as it shows of him and his ex-wife on their wedding picture as Cam says, "It certainly goes toward creepy coincidence." Temp then reads out the headline, "Dumped Hubby Decks Attorney.' So this man was incarcerated for assaulting his ex-wife's attorney?" Cam explains more into it, "Huddler's wife dumped him, hosed him in a divorce, then married the lawyer that represented her. But look at this. Anything looks familiar to you?"

She zoomed into the picture as we noticed that it was the same wedding dress as our Salem witch as I say, "You're good Cam." Cam smiles, "I try." Temp then says pointing to the dress, "She's wearing this dress." I then say, "I'll tell Ranger about it and we'll see if he can find Huddler." They nod as I leave to make the call." About a few hours later Booth sends over a knife found on Huddler as we examined it as I then say in the bone examination room with the others, "Huddler's fishing knife is thin, very sharp on one edge, and has a slight curve at the tip." Temp then looks at the bone that was cut, "The blade that made these cuts is thicker, evenly tapered and sharp on both edges, like a dagger." Cam then says, "Definitely not a match." Temp notices something on one of the bones on the table, "What's this?" Clark then explains, "Fragments of the hyoid and throat cartilage, damaged by a fire and crushed by a house. The acetone probably didn't help."

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