Broken Bond

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Zealand always has a way of sabotaging everything. Before everything between Tre and I lost it's way, Zealand was my best friend. I found a level of comfort with her, that I still have yet to find with anyone else.

Maybe I did hold myself to a higher level, but that's because Zealand never pushed herself like me.

The week I had to move away, I had been playing in the Nymph's river Azlynn for two hours. I finally mastered how to control my discomfort's.

For once I didn't have to worry about a swarm of dragonflies being led towards me whenever I got upset.
The next thing on my list was to be able to control the weather, to finally prove to the gods I was able to be assigned.

I focused on a beam of sunshine, glistening through the water. "Power within, the light will shine, the warmth of passion will show the sign. From the skies, into the storm the temperature shall rise when I transform," I remember chanting over and over.

That's when I heard Tre. I told him the night before, he could visit me at Azlynn river if he felt lonely.
Zealand had been in the mortal world finishing schoolwork. This was a requirement for every Nymph under 18, ever since the unity laws were passed.

Unfortunately, she met Tre almost immediately. She gleamed over with jealousy, thinking that she could be replaced in my heart, the only reasonable thing she could come up with was to push him into the boiling river water of Azlynn.

I seen the giant splash and swam toward Tre as fast as I could. When I pulled him out of the water, his dad was there screaming. He tried to get close and listen to his breathing. His dad went to lay his head down on tre's chest when he yanked back with a squeal beginning to shake intensively.

The river had heated his body three times the normal body temperature. Touching him was equivalent to the feeling of putting your hand inside a toaster for 2 minutes on high. Steam rose from his clothes, his body broke out in blisters, and his shriek ripped through your eardrums.

My body and mind went numb. I had everything, but I got him hurt. Someone who never had anything. He was always criticized by his dad, and never lived up to any of his phony expectations. Which I always related to when I constantly had Jensen breathing down my neck about my spells.

Thinking about Treviso made me uncomfortable when I tried to apologize and articulate the story of how my life worked into words.

I tried to elaborate on all the requirements, studying, and risks, but he just wasn't hearing a word. He looked at me in disgust. A grown man looking at a child, like she was a monster. I could never forget. I remember just jumping into Azlynn and swimming deeper down the stream, more than any nymph had ever swam before.

Even when I calmed down the next day, I went over to Tre's house. I had asked his dad Tyrell to come outside to say sorry once more.

He wouldn't even come to the door, which I seen as ridiculous. Nai came from beneath the waters just to tend to Tre's needs. One small potion and it did the trick. Plus I not only had to feel the cold shoulder from Tyrell, but I also had Jensen.

Jensen was always there to make it clear, I was an idiot. An idiot with magic, an idiot who almost killed her friend, an idiot who never trusted again.

I have never spoken to Zealand since that day, I've always blamed her for the empty void in my heart. I didn't just lose one friend, I lost the two closest people I had.

It's a terrible feeling, missing someone who's gone over a misunderstanding. It's even worse when someone you trusted, hurts someone you value. The light in me dimmed from that day forth, everything I felt for Zealand was pure bitterness. The sight of her was always repulsive.  No amount of memories can take back something like that.

I was normal one second, and the next I was alone. I can't exaggerate the feeling of emptiness. It's a place of dark depression, like a black hole that swallows you whole.

It's your worst nightmare intensified to total misery. A tragic feeling, that no one seems to be able to help with. Even if I whined every second of the day, of the pain I felt. I'm sure it still would go just as unnoticed as ignoring it completely.

After feeling nothing, how could I put it in my mind to forgive such reckless behavior? Zealand hasn't apologized a single time about the situation I've pleaded to be forgiven thousands of times. She was egotistical, selfish, and nefarious. I guess the perfect cocktail for a disaster.

"Anthesa," she began to say before I cut her off.

I peered straight into her eyes, "Out of everyone pulling me away from a mistake! How could Nai call you? He was there that day, he knows how careless you are....and calling you..... was a complete insult to me!" 

There isn't anything anyone could say that could convince me, that my feelings were invalid. Going through a similar experience to when I had my heart ripped out of my chest was probably the worst time Zealands hands could even be placed upon me.

Not that anytime would be good, but this time was dangerous for her. " I hated living in an empty ass town, that not even Nymphs or Mortals hardly ever go!
If it wasn't for Azalea moving, I would have lost my mind! Do you understand that? Do you understand what you put me through?" I shouted so loud my voice began to crack.

My throat had a slight scratch in it but I continued, " Everyone tries to understand or like to say they do, but they don't! They didn't feel the constant judgment I've had to feel all these years because of you! Everyone thinks I'm so naive and looks at me like I can't cast a spell correctly to save my life. Tre got hurt because of you, then my life got ruined. "

" I was a child! Anthea, you have to grow up! I don't know how many times I've tried to speak to you, and you just shut me out! You shut everyone out, but I guess that's my fault too," she snarled at me in the most bitchy tone. Shaking her head side to side as if I had actually been taking in a single word seriously.

"Maybe your friends Capri and Avi can tell you more, about what actually happened vs the idea you created out of anger," Zealand raged as she walked off.

Had to be a stupid nymph to argue over such ignorance. Capri, and Avi could tell me nothing more than I already knew, though I did trust them more than I would ever trust her. Tre seemed to trust them, and any friend of his will be respected by me. No matter what, I have to figure out how to make up the past, even if it's been forgotten.
Anyone have a least favorite character so far?

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