chp 1

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Today had been a long day at work(aka jeff's pizza), people came in, yelled at you to hurry up with their food, and then stormed off saying "i'm never going back here, you took too long!" but you would always see them again, and again.

"This place is always so boring, nothing exciting ever happens." you said, leaning on the counter where jeff was standing, he just looked at you with a blank expression for a second then said "well if it's so boring why are you working here?" you stood up, dusting your elbows off "well because i need the money, duh." you looked at the clock, it hadn't been working for almost a year, but you would always try to catch the time on it.

"Ill have to fix that soon i guess.." jeff said, you grabbed your phone out of your pocket and turned it on *8:16* **"only 4 more minutes and then i can go to sleep"** you were about to grab one of the mops to help jeff clean up but he stopped you and said 'you can go home now, i'm letting you off a little early, you're probably tired." you let your hands drop to your side and nodded.

-skip to being at home-

You had opened the door, and stepped in, taking off your shoes and switching them for your slippers, you had walked over to your fridge and opened it "wow, i have sooo much food" you said sarcastically, you decided not to eat today and just go to bed.

"Ahh so great to be back home" you said as you took your slippers off and flopped into bed, you grabbed your blanket and ripped it over your body, it was always cold in your bedroom so you had a very large and soft blanket to keep you warm, "shit i have to set my alarm for ill just call in and say i'm sick." you cuddled up in the blanket and fell asleep.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now