Chp 16

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"do you hate me?" he asked you, " do I hate you?" you asked him back, he nodded and flopped on his bed, "it feels like you do, avoiding me, or always being rude to me or something you hate me?" he asked you again, you walked over to him and sat beside him, "well Im not supposed to like you...i mean after all you are a killer..." you said, he looked back up to you, "a killer huh..." he smiled at the thought of being deemed a killer, you shivered and got up, "alright, your gonna feel like shit when you wake up william, so get some sleep." you said, you rubbed his head and walked out, "wait." you turned around to see william get off the bed, "yeah?" you said, he walked closer to you and put his hands around your waist, making you squirm a little bit and blush, "please, stay here with me, i dont want you to leave.." he said a little sorrofully.

You sighed and told him you couldnt, "I dont want to be there when you wake up, because first off, your going to want to change, and i dont want to be there, and second, you are going to 100% be angry at being hungover." you said removing his hands from your waist, "not what i meant, i dont want you to go back home, i want you here forever, i want you to live here, take care of lizzy, mike and me, please..i love you."

**He said it, He finally said it, "I love you"** you thought, your face flushed fullly red and you felt horrible, you sighed and gave him a hug, "the best i can do is stay here for the night, beside you." you instantly regreted what you said, you didnt want to be there, in his bed at all, maybe he'll pull something or maybe he'll just forget he wanted you in his bed and kick you out, William grabbed your hand and dragged you to the bed, "give me a second" he said, he grabbed almost all of the pillows on his bed and put them in the closet, "what was that for?" you asked him, really confused, "well i used to use the pillows to try and forget about my ex-wife, but now i dont need them because your here." he smiled and crawled on the bed, "wait hold o-" you were cut off by william grabbing you and pulling you into a hug on the bed, "ehh just go to bed." he said.

You could feel williams hand rubbing your back, surprisingly it really calmed you down, **im really going to miss this arent i** you thought, you leaving would break his heart, who knows what he would do if one day he woke up and you were gone, as you were randomly thinking of what it wouldbe like after you were gone, the words william said popped up, again, and again, **i love you** did he mean that? did he actually mean he loved you? or did he think you were his ex, but he said that you were there now to help him forget about her.

You started to fall asleep to william rubbing your back, you could hear him humming a tune, it was creepy but also really nice, you knew the song, "toreador" that was the name, as you drifted off into the sleep world, you could still hear the song, A large ball room, with fance decorations and a giant cake in the middle, toreador was still playing, but in a soft piano tune, you couldnt help but dance, feet moving perfectly across the floor, hearing the clicks of your shoes echo off the walls back to you, as you moved closer to the cake, William walked out behind it, he was dressed in a dark purple suit, "you look nice" you said to him, he didnt say anything, he just grabbed you and started to dance together, you put your head on his chest, as time passed in the ballroom, you notice that the music was getting more and more creepy, you started to feel a little un-easy, you looked back up to find some comfort in william, but he was grinning at you, "william?" you asked him, he let go of you and shoved you back, his face becoming more disfigured and terrifying, "WILLIAM" you scream, he raised his hand up and plunged a knife into your chest, you could feel the pain, it burned, fire spreading throughout your body, you could see the blood splatter on his face.

You vision went black, everything was moving to fast, your head was spinning, the fire still burning in your chest, "now you know how we feel, you know how I shouldnt be doing this, we tried to warn you y/n.." someone was speaking, their voice was quiet and sunded like a child's voice, "we really tried to, im sorry this wont end the way you wanted it too, you will die.." another voice spoke, "he doesnt really love you y/n, you need to go home, you need to leave, YOU HAVE TO GO HOME" all the voices chimed in for the last part, then you woke up, you hit your head on a peice of metal while waking up, you were panting and sweating, "gah fuck.." you said, your grabed your heads and rubbed it, "william you doing ok over there?" you looked over to see no one was there, what? shouldnt he be there? you looked down at your hands, you werent reaming, you noticed something else though, the bed sheets, they werent the same as when you went to bed, " did he move me?" you said quietly, you got out of bed and noticed the floor, "no.." you held your nouth shut, "no no NO " you screamed.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now