chp 8

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"Hello, My name is Henry, Henry Emily, It's nice to meet you." he walked over to you and put his hand out for you to shake, you glared at him before slowly reaching for his hand and shaking it, "Hi, Im Y/N L/N" you let go of his hand and stood up, you heard him mumble something under his breath, and then smile, he walked back to William and whispered something in his ear, whatever he said it was something to make William a little pissed off, he shot back at henry and told him to shut up, henry just chuckled.

"Im going to take Liz with me over to Henry's place because she has been begging me to take her there, so i will be gone for a while, all you need to worry about is mike, and he's almost good on his own, just dont let him cook." William said, Liz hopped off her chair almost imminently, and charged towards William and stuck onto his leg hugging him she was jumping up and down chanting for him to "get going" he just smiled and walked out of the door with henry and Liz, before he shut the door, he glared at you.

You sighed and got up from your chair and walked towards to window, you saw William, henry and liz walk off towards a car, **"once they are fully gone, im laving, ill go out the back, no clue where ill go but ill go somewhere."** you thought, you waited for around 20 minutes until you knew they were gone, mike was in his room so he wouldnt see you run out of the house.

-4:36- you looked at the clock, **"its time i guess"** you walked towards the back of the house and unlocked it, you stepped outside and carefully looked  around, then you stsrted walking in a random direction, you didnt run because you knew you would need it later, before you knew it, it was dark out, the lights on the street were on, and no one was outside anymore, **"man this place is pretty fucking creepy at night.."** you saw something familiar, it was the forrest where you first were caught, under your breath you said "would he know i would be here?" you made your way deep into the forest and decided, instead of going into the trees it would be better to just find something to hide in, just in case if William is able to actually find you.

"Tch tch tch...I thought you would know better than to run off, didn't i tell you before not to?" the voice was definitely Williams, but he seemed to be far away, you had a chance to run, so you did, out of the forest again, onto the street, you felt a horrible sharp pain right in your side again, and you stopped for  second to see what was wrong with your "cut", it was bleeding, a lot, the bandages had come undone and from you running it re-opened, just then you heard footsteps behind you, you whipped around to see William, the normal sadistic smile on his face wasnt there, instead of that it was a mix of worry and a death glare, **"is this fucker actually worried about me, if so that's bullshit."**

He kept getting closer, and the more he did the more your vision would blur, but you still tried to run from him, but no matter how much you ran, he was always somehow closer, and closer, with each step.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now