Ending 2

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As you drifted off to sleep, William would pull you closer to his body, resting his hands on your waist and still humming the song.


You opened your eyes to be met with the children, you screamed and stumbled back, "don't be afraid y/n! its only us!" one said floating towards you, you stayed staring at them, you only rarely ever see them, and they only talk to you to say that you should leave, but this conversation was different, "The bunny likes you.." "he does, and it might be dangerous for you!" "love is love..but that is soon death.." they said, "the..the bunny? what bunny?" you asked, you stood up dusting yourself off, they circled around you, "William!" "the evil bunny that too-" "took our lives!" they all started overlapping over each others voices, "QUIET!" you yelled, everyone went silent.

"I know you don't want me to stay, and i know this will end grim for me, but I've been through some shit, even if it ends horribly, i just want a little bit of love for the time being.." you said looking at your feet, you felt a cold hand grab onto your face lifting it up, "we know...we are sorry for what has happened to you, but-" "i know.." you said balling up your fists, "I'm sorry for what happened to you as well." you said looking back down, for a moment everyone was still, until you felt all of their cold hands and bodies wrap around you.

You shivered awake from the cold, you couldn't feel Williams hands on you, so you assumed he was out of the bed so you wiggled more into the bed, something was off, you could feel something more like a body, before you realized it, you heard William speak "stop moving love." he said in a low cracky voice, your eyes opened all the way, you felt his hands ride up your shirt, you quickly shot up out of the bed, looking down at William who was smiling, you freaked out and fell off the bed, you sat up to see William laughing and holding his chest, "why are you shirtless? when did you-" "I don't sleep with a shirt on, I thought you would have known that by now." he smiled and got off the bed, he grabbed your hand and helped you up, "doesn't your head hurt or something?" you asked him, he let go of your hand and sat on the bed, "not really, I took some medicine when i got up before to take my shirt off, so it doesn't hurt as much." He said.

You nodded at him and turned to leave but he grabbed your hand and threw you back on the bed "and where were you going?" he said getting up and pinning you to the bed, "uh- to- to leave?" you stuttered out, you tried to hide your red face, but William was holding onto your hands, he smiled again and bent down, "i dont think so" he said, he closed the gap between your and his lips, william let go of your hands and slid them down your body, you shivered from his cold hands, he ripped you up off the bed and sat down, putting you down on his lap, "calm down, im not going to do anything." he said resting his head in the crevasse of your neck.

You had fallen back asleep from his humming another song and rubbing your back, but you didnt sleep for long until you heard a loud gasp, you opened your eyes and looked over to see Michael and Liz standing there, "OH MY GOD DOES THIS MEAN WE HAVE A FULL FAMILY AGAIN?!" Liz yelled out, she ran over and jumped at you and William knocking you over, you laughed and rubbed her back, "FUCK YEAH" mike yelled before jumping on the bed too, "i cant call you mom though..how about..." "how about just y/n liz" you smiled, she nodded her head and mike grabbed her, "anywaayyyssss dad im hungry." he looked over to william who looked pissed off, "tch why not you make your own food." "afton." you glared at him, he looked over at you, he rolled his eyes and got up, "ill make you guys food, i think we have enough for breakfast, but then i need to go out" you said smiling at them.

You walked down the the kitchen and grabbed the eggs, bacon and some potato's, you got mike to peel and cut the potatos and you got liz to wash them, once everything was ready you set the table and ate with everyone, after everyone was done you told them to put their dishes in the sink and you would wash them.

Mike and Liz had left, liz at daycare, mike at his friends place, "mike spends a lot of time at his friends." you said as you cleaned the plates, "oh thats not just his friend" william smiled and wrapped his arms around you, "girl friend?" you stopped washing and stared out the window, "mm" william hummed and started wobbling back and forth slowly with you, you finished cleaning and tried to remove his hands from your waist, but he held on tighter "how about you and me, have just a smidgen of fun? just the two of us." he said picking you up, "what kind of fun?" you asked, he stayed quiet giving you a smirk, "william-" he started walking to his door, "WILLIAM WHAT KIND OF FUN" you said blushing and trying to get out of his grip, "you know what kind of fun lovely." he said before closing the door.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now