Chp 10

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You shot out of the bed, sweat dripped down your face, you slowly moved you hands to you head and held it, you sighed and made your way off of the bed and stumbled out of the room, your legs felt very weak, honestly you didnt know why, maybe it was from laying down for too long, but you couldnt have been out of it for that long, right?

You walked down the hallway, it was so quiet you thought that no one was home, you kept your hand on the wall just in case if you fell, you wandered around for a while, looking for anyone, as you passed the basement, you heard a grunt and a loud slam, you opened the door slowly so it wouldnt creek, **ive never been down here before-** you thought.

As you went further and further down you could hear more thuds and noises, you peaked around the corner, just to see William hunched over his work desk papers were all over the ground, and small metal bit were everywhere, one of his arms was bleeding, you thought on going to help him and probably getting yelled at and sent back up, or just going back up anyways and pretending like nothing happened, you decided on the second option, **hell no, im not dealing with him while he's angry, the shit he might do...** you scurried off back upstairs and sat on the couch, just as you did, william burst through the door, he had a wide smile on his face, he wandered over to you and grabbed you by the arm dragging you off the couch.

"uh what are you doing?" you grunted out, the grip he had on your arm hurt, it was tight, he dragged you down the stairs to the basement, **wasnt i JUST here like a few seconds ago-** you tried to loosen his grasp on your arm, but he always tightened it, you were a little scared of what might happen, but you tried not to let that show, once you got all the way down the stairs, he took a sharp turn making you slam into the wall, you hissed through your teeth, you used your other hand to rub your arm.

Once he let your arm go you tried to go back around, but he stopped you, instead he grabbed your sides and threw up onto his work table, your face turned a bright pink and you tried not to let it show, you shot your eyes around, parts of an animatronic were placed everywhere, arms, hands, legs, and other parts, "so uh what am I doing down here?" you said nervously, he grabbed one of the arm plates from the ground, "You here for testing, I made a suit a while ago but i havent found anyone to wear it, mike is too scard to, liz is too small, but you? oh well you are a perfect size." 

He put the arm plate on and latched it up, you panicked, it seems like william saw that you were a little worried, se he said "dont worry, theres no springlocks in it." he was quick to put the arm plates for both arms on, you sighed and looked down, "how come you could wear it? too hard to get on by yourself?" he grabbed some parts from beside the desk, "no, i can get suits on with ease by myself, just i made this suit for someone else, but they arent around no one else is able to fit in the suit, everyone but you that is." he grabbed one of the plates and lifted your leg, "WOAH WOAH SLOW YOUR ROLL THERE" you grabbed his hand, your face was red, one of his hands was layed on your chest the other was on your thigh, "how about I put this on?" you smiled at him, "you wouldnt even know how to." you took your hand off of his, "ok well dont get too touchy" you said, he grinned and slid the peice up your leg.

Eventually he finished putting the leg peices on, he moved onto your chest, "hey uhm..did you build a head peice for this suit? becuase if you did i am NOT wearing it." you said, he grabbed the chest plates, "i did, but i wasnt going to put it on you anyways, thats the part that has spring locks, plsu i need to redesign the head." he walked over and stood between your legs, "once these are on i want you to try and get off the table and move around, Ill help you." he said as he pushed the metal plates on, "mm" you nodded, you sighed and slowly got off the table, "ugh this is way to heavy.." you grunted and almost fell forward, "I mean it is made of metal." he smiled at you.

A few minutes of you complaining and slowly making your way around the room, grabbing onto walls, or what ever you could, you got back on the table, William started to take the suit off, first your chest, then your arms and last, your legs. he slid the feet off, then the shins, but he waited before taking the thigh parts off, "you good?" you asked him, he looked up and said "ah yes, sorry my mind drifted." he looked back down at your thigh and pulled one of them off, "i have a question for you Y/N" he said "shoot" you said back, he grinned and asked "does this hurt?" he pushed down on the metal around your thigh, "AAHHGG WHAT THE HELL, STOP" he took the metal off and you shoved him back, "gah..your such a dick.." you rubbed your thigh, **thats gonna leave a bruise** he smiled more, "oh sorry, does that need to be checked out? i think i pressed down too hard.." he made the classic puppy dog face, "NO, no, its okay, ill just ignore it and itll go away eventually." you said.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now