chp 5

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Ran out the door, your legs felt weak, but you needed to get away from him, you didnt want to die like this, through the wet streets you ran, rain making it hard to move, there was fog everywhere, he was slowly getting closer, you could hear him panting, even with a wound you were fast, You ran through the fog and rain, your legs were hurting badly, you needed to lose william as fast as possible, if you didnt, you might be just like those kids.

You turned down a path that led into a small forest, you had no idea where you were going but you just needed to get away from william **"this should lose him..i hope."** the more you ran, the less footsteps you heard behind you, you stopped and turned around to see William was gone.

You let your breath go after holding it in once you got into the forest, you were about to collapse, but your gut was telling you to get somewhere high, in one of the trees, so you trusted it and climbed into a tree that was bushy enough to hide you, you sat down on one of the branches and let your heart calm down, you felt really uneasy, but you just brushed it off as you were up really high and about to pass out.

It felt like 3 years waiting in that tree, everything felt slow and dizzy, but you didn't want to fall asleep and fall out of the tree, "I think I lost him, I should be good to hop down the tree now." your breath was shaky, not actually knowing if he was gone or not, but you felt like he was, so you slowly made your way down the tree, there was a large gap between you and the ground so you were going to need to jump down.

You jumped down and landed on the sweet spot of your foot, it shot pain up into your leg, "good thing im not running away from him anymore..." you said under your breath, you crawled your way to a tree and used it to stand up, you turned around to see William with a knife, he was smiling.

" seems you cant run anymore! Oh so sad....." he widened his smile, and slowly made his way towards you "I think you should rest.." you tried to back up but the tree was right behind you, as he grew closer, your vision went blurry, and then, you fell.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now