chp 7

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You felt Elizabeth get picked up off your arm, and then you heard steps getting further and further away, you heard a door open, then close shortly after, and more steps coming towards you,  knowing it was William you pretended to be asleep, you were scared you would say something stupid if you were "awake"  and then he would kill you.

You heard the steps stop right in front of you, nothing moved for what felt like forever, but then you heard a long sigh, then you felt a pair of arms scoop you up, and a grunt, you were now off the couch being taken somewhere, you wanted to peak open your eyes but you were scared that it would give away that you aren't "asleep"

You heard a door open, and then you felt the arms let go of you, you were expecting to fall on your ass on some cement, but instead you were met with a soft, warm and welcoming bed, the bed had puffed around you, you wanted to open your eyes but you didn't, instead you waited until you heard the door close, when it did you opened your eyes and sat up, your heart skipped a beat, scratch that, a few beats, William was leaning on the doorframe with his hand on the knob of the door, you were about to scream but you slapped your hand over your mouth.

"I knew it, you weren't actually asleep, i had to carry you all the way here, when you could have walked yourself." he smiled and walked over towards you, you removed your hand from your mouth, he stood in front of the bed waiting, "sorry. I wasn't expecting you to carry me here I thought you were going to let me sleep on the couch"  

You tried to get up to go back to the couch but William pushed you back on the bed, "You aren't going to sleep on that couch, such a small space for someone who is injured, you will be here until you are healed" he said removing his hand from your chest, you slightly raised your voice while saying "why are you even letting me sleep in YOUR bed? I thought you were going to kill me! This is really dumb yknow.." he walked over to the door and opened it, and then he said "Im only doing this so that Michael and Elizabeth think you are fine once you are healed, and once you are you can leave, you either go  back to where you came from, or I kill you and stuff your body into a suit.." your face had a look of shock, under your breath you said "lets hope its the first option.." but William heard you.

"You don't get to make that choice darling" and he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

-Time skip: Morning-

You had woken up to the sound of screaming, you shot out of bed and ran to the door, you flung it open and made your way towards the noises, you noticed that Mike and Liz were both sitting around the corner, Liz was hugging her knees and Mike was rubbing her back looking down at the ground, you walked past them, and peaked around the corner, William was standing there rubbing the bridge of his nose, and there was another person, a woman, she was yelling at him, You heard Liz speak up, "that's momma, she's not happy right now.." she lifted her head, a red puffy mark was on her face, and her eyes were puffy and red, you bent down and asked if the woman had done this, lizzy nodded, you immediately stood back up and came around the corner walking right up to the woman, "who the FUCK are you what are you doing in MY house?!" she screamed at you, you raised your arm, and slapped her so hard she stopped talking and just stood there, "you do not have permission to ever touch that beautiful angel hiding and crying around that corner, you can leave." she lifted her head and was glaring daggers at you William was standing there in shock, "Well?" you said, waiting for her to go, she scoffed and went storming out of the house, you followed her to the door and watched as she got into her car and drove off.

Elizabeth came around the corner, she wasn't crying anymore but she was a little scared of you now, "Is mom ok?" you turned back around and walked over to Liz, she flinched as you moved some strands of hair from her face, "Mom is completely fine Lizzy, I promise" you  smiled and gave her a tight hug, William was staring at you, you could feel his eyes glued onto you and watching every move you made, it was really starting to creep you out, you stood up and told Mike and Liz to go to their rooms, they nodded and Liz ran off and mike slowly followed, "are you in love with me or something" you chuckled and walked over to William, he scoffed and said "No, I just didn't think you would be the type to slap someone, especially someone like her." he grinned and walked over towards the kitchen, "care to join me?" he signaled towards a seat at a table, you walked over and flopped down, sighing and grabbing your side, "about yesterday, do you know how fucked up that is? I mean why not just kill me now and say I healed quickly and then I left, or maybe I had something really important to do and I needed to leave?" you were looking down at your side, William walked over and set some water down, he pulled a chair back and sat down too, "Are you really telling me how fucked up that is to a child murderer?" he said, you looked back up and said "oh yeah, don't know how I forgot about that.." you immediately tensed up, it was silent for a few minutes making it really awkward, William was drinking his water and reading the newspaper.

You inhaled like you were about to speak, just then you heard a loud crash and Eli came running out of her room with a large white coat on, and she was carrying a plastic suitcase, she came running up to you and slammed it down on the table and used a chair to crawl up to your level, she opened the suitcase and inside were a bunch of fake doctor stuff in it, "I'm going to help you get better! Everyday I'll do a checkup on you" she grabbed a stethoscope, and tugged on your shirt, you lifted it up for her to get your your heart, she put the  on your bare skin, you jumped up and pulled your shirt down "WHY IS THAT SO COLD?!" she started laughing and  said "because its real, I st-" she cut off and looked back at William who was smiling and staring at us, "Liz its ok go ahead and tell him, I already know that you took it from the doctor last time we were there"

 Mike came down the hallway and said "what'd I miss?" Liz walked over to him and whispered something in his ear, he held back a laugh and came walking over to you and put something down on the table in front of William, before he picked it up you snatched it from the table, and looked at it " did way better than me when I was your age.." you handed it to William, you ruffled Mike's hair, you looked over to William and saw a look of disappointment on his face, he looked back up at Mike and said "It's an ok mark, you can do better though." you walked over to him and smacked him in the head "be nice Afton, kid almost has a 100 on it."

He glared at you and sighed "Fine, good job Mike." Mike flashed a 'know it all'' smile, he flopped down in one of the chairs and crossed his arms, Liz sat on the other side with William, and you sat beside mike, "wait, what do you mean I did better than you when you were my age, did you fail the test?" mike said, you lifted your head and sighed "I was not a very smart kid, i used to always fail tests and quizzes, I'm pretty sure if I did a test now I still wouldn't do good on it, but I did manage to pass my grads with flying colors." 

Just as you were about to continue on,  knock came to the front door William had gotten up to answer it, he walked slowly to the door, you were half expecting it to be his wife again, but it wasnt, It was someone you havent met yet, William invited them into the house, and they walked over to everyone, "Hello, my name is...." 

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