Ending 1

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You ran out of the apartment and down the stairs, you whipped your head around downt he streets, and ran towards your work, "WILLIAM?" you screamed, people were staring at you, whispering, your clothes were slightly bloody and wrinkled, plus your hair was messy as shit, **was it alla dream? it felt so real though..** you ran all the way to work, panting when yuo got here, **maybe if i go in it'll change?** you walked through the doors and closed your eyes, "1...2..3.." and you opened them, to only see jeff standing there, he was washing the table and staring at you with the normal blank face he always had on, "it didnt chnage.." you said, "well goodmorning to you too, this is the first time your actually early." jeff said to you.

You stumbled into the place and sat down at one of the booths **it was all fake? but..it felt so real..does that mean he didnt actually love me..?** you had some many questions going on in your head, you remebered seeing the blood on your clothes, if you had gone to bed without blood how did it get there? that made you belive it was all real, "you okay kid?" jeff asked you, he sat in the booth with you and leaned back, you looked down, "yeah..just..some weird fucking dream i had last night.." you said back.

"want to talk about it?" he asked you worried, you just kept quiet, you gripped onto your pants and tried not to cry, you were never going to see him again, it was all going to waste, you heard jeff get up and walk over to your side, you then felt him wrap his arm around your neck, "your going through some shit kid, just know ill be here for you." you hugged him back and cried a little bit.

-time skip brought to you by king crimson!-

It had been a while since you last saw william, and since you worked at jeffs pizza, you kinda missed jeff and the place, even though it was musty and gross in there, you loved the place, but as you walked closer to the building, you noticed that it wasnt jeffs, it was the original "freddy fazbears pizzaria" you stopped walking and looked around the building, you exhaild, you walked closer to the building, your legs started to shake, "is it back? am i back?" you asked yourself, you opened the door, and everything was run down and crusty, you felt a little dissapointed, i guess it wasnt back...you slowly made you way into the main part of the building, "maybe i can find the room i woke up in.." you said, you walked through the place, plushies were still on the shelves, i guess they never cleaned this place out...

You walked down the hallways of the building, **i remember this..** you thought, after your turned the corner, you could see the door that you woke up in, you slowly walked towards the door, you could hear some metal scraping inside of it.

You slowly grabbed the knob on the door and opened it, you turned on the flashlight on your phone and flashed it into the room.

Infront of you was a large bunny, covered in dried blood, skin visible from underneath the suit, you screamed and tried to get away from the rabbit, but it had grabbed onto your shirt, "LET GO OF ME" you scream at him, but he threw you into the room and closed the door, he flicked the lights on and stomped his way towards you.

"FUCK OFF" you screamed, you threw the bag you had with you right at his face, he stopped moving, he seemed confused, you could hear breathing coming from it, "y/n.." it said, "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME EW-" you got up and grabbed a sharp metal object from beside you, "back off creep" you said, he didnt listen and kept moving towards you, "HEY FU-" you tried to swing at him but he charged at you, shoving you over and pinning you on the floor.

"You'll be with me soon, i love you y/n" he said, you watched as he raised his arm and plunged it into your chest, breaking your ribs and taking out some organs as he removed his hand, everything went black for what felt like an eternity.

You awoke beside something, the rabbit, nows your chance! you jumped at him and tried to rip his head off, but your hand went right through his head, "thats not going to work y/n...we tried to warn you, you should have never been there that long...now look" you whipped around to see the children again, "whats happening to me?" you cried, they all looked down at you, "you are dead y/n. we are sorry, theres nothing you can do.." they said, you looked at your hands and tried to push them through the rabbits body again, nothing worked, "this is BULLSHIT IM NOT DEAD I HAVE TO BE DREAM....ing......" you trailed off, you had noticed blood on the other side of the rabbit, "dont go there, you wont like what you see." you ignored the children's pleads and went over to the blood.

there was your corpse, stomach and chest ripped open, organs and blood everywhere, it made you gag, you fell down and held your mouth "we to-" "SHUT UP PLEASE JUST BE QUIET" you yelled, you just wanted to be alone, you couldn't believe that you had died, it was so hard to wrap your head around, "please...just go.." you said sobbing, the children slowly faded out of the room, you sat by your own body crying for a while.

You cried until you heard the rabbit move, "there you are..that took a while, hello love." the rabbit said, he moved his rusty head towards you, "stop calling me love you murderer..." you put your head back into your hands "oh...y/n....you loved when i called you "love" what changed?" he said scooting closer to you, you moved your hands from your face, "used to? ive never even met you.." you said, it was getting harder to breath the more you spoke, you just wanted to cry and cry, but you didnt, "hahehah..." he let out a wheezy laugh, "c'mon honey, you really dont remember me? im the one and only..." you gave him a scared confused look.

He sighed and got up, he looked down at you, "I took care of you, i fed you, i loved you, and this is the thanks i get?" he said a little bit annoyed, "what?.." you said even more confused, until you remembered where you were, and what happened, "william?" you said shakily, "thats right love! i knew you would remember me! tooka second though.." he said, his arm flew out from his body, "you...YOU FUCKING KILLED ME WHY?!" you screamed at him, he put his arms down, "well...my thoughts were if i murdered you..you could be here with me, forever."

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