Chp 15

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William sighed and turned around to start walking, "im going to be gone for a while today, liz and mike are both staying over at they're friends houses, so it will only be you for a while." he said, he walked towards the basement door, "wait-" you tired to get his attention but he was already down the stairs, you sighed and walked towards the couch again, a few minutes had passed by, you were just waiting for everyone to leave, you said by too mike, and bye to liz, but william still wasnt upstairs

ou got up and walked to wards the door, but then if flung open, william had his normal work bad and another one, it was chunky, filled with metal parts, **oh, he's taking in the suit." you thought, william walked towards you and put his hand on your shoulder "you better still be he-" "here before you come back, i know." you interrupted him.

He sighed and let you go, you watched as he walked out the door and lock it behind him, **okayy now what** you looked out the window to see williams car was completely gone, **he said he would be gone for a while, so i guess i can have a nap, and since im feeling way more energized, ill try to get outta here, GOD i never thought i was say this but i kinda miss jeff..** you turned around and started to head towards williams room.

You slowly opened the door, **man it still feels weird to be sleeping in his bed, i guess you could say im sleeping with him heh** you took off your shirt and layed down in the bed, "i forgot how comfy this bed actually is.." you said just before you passed out.

-Time skip-

You woke up to the sound of the doorbell going off, its like it was going haywire, you got out of bed and slowly walked towards the door, **who the fuck..** you slowly opened it but were rushed by a very drunk william, "Y/N!" he had a huge smile on his face, he smelled like shit though...

"ew- afton you smell like ass, go take a shower" you said, you tried to get out of his arms but he just kept hugging you, you sighed and gave up, he burried his head into your neck, "help me take a shower if i smell that bad then" he said muffled, you thought he meant to help him get to the shower, you agreed and helped him take off his shoes, and his coat, you stood back up and pulled him off the couch by his hand.

"be careful" you said as you made your way to the bathroom, once the door was open you let him walk himself in, you were about to close the door before he grabbed you "where do you think your going? you agreed to help me Y/n" he said, "I did?" you said, he shook his head and pulled you back into his arms, "when I meant to help me...I meant help me in the shower!" he slurred his words, you blushed and quickly said "alright, i'm not helping you with that william, you are fully grown, even if your drunk i think you can do that by yourself." you pried his arms off of you, and opened the bathroom door, "if you do actually need help ill just be right here, ok?" he nodded and turned around, you closed the door and walked to the couch.

**god why did he have to come how now, AND DRUNK?? once he's out of the shower and in his room im sleeping.** you closed your eyes and relaxed on the couch, a few minutes had passed and you were really starting to drift off, but right when you felt your brain shut off, you heard william come crashing out of the bathroom, you looked over to see him, he was standing in the door way, half naked, the only thing he had on was a towel, "Y/n, i cant get the pants on, i need help" he said, you could barely hear him, he was speaking more quietly then usual, so you got up and walked towards him, "sorry afton can you repeat?" he just stood there for a second, then he pointed at his pants.

"what? you want me to help you put them on?" you said, as he nodded your mouth was slightly open, **REALLY?** you didnt want to admit you were kind of waiting for this sort of moment, but you wanted to be nice and told him "im not going to do this afton, just go to sleep naked or some shit." you turned around and went to go sit back on the couch, you noticed william was still standing there, its like he wasnt paying attention.

You watched as he walked over to you, he stood right in front of you just staring at you, "shouldnt you be getting dressed?" you asked him, he bent down and grabbed your arm and pulled you off the couch, "AH WI-" you were muffled by his chest, he was still a little wet, "aftum-ghet off mee" you said muffled, he let go but didnt let go of your hand, he dragged you to the side of the bathroom and told you to wait.

"what am i waiting for exactly?" you said, inside the bathroom you could hear him bumping around, which made you just a little bit worried, maybe he would hit his head and die or something, then you'll be stuck with watching his children, "just wait there, i want you to be there when i come out." he said, you thought of something that made you snicker **of the closet heh** the door burst open, which made you jump a little, william came waling out, almost tripping over his own feet, the made you laugh a little but, "need help getting to your room?" you asked him, he didnt say anything, but he did fix his posture, making him seem much taller than you first thought he was, he walked towards you slowly, once he got right close and personal to you, he slumped his body over yours, **WHY IS HE SO HEAVY?!** you grunted and put your arm around his waist to help him to his room.

"allmoosstt thheerree" you said, you were starting to get tired of carrying him around, i mean you werent fully carrying him, but it sure felt like it, once you got to the door, you tried to reach your hand to open it, but wiliam got to it first, he stopped slouching over you, you sighed of relief, you were going to turn around and go back to sleep on the couch, but william pulled you into his room and closed the door.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now