Chp 11

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You walked back upstairs trying not to show that you were limping, you didnt want William to take a look at your thigh, **god im so tired..** you made your way to the couch, but just as you were about to sit down, william grabbed you and spun you around "ah ah ah..we are going to go pick up liz from daycare." you groaned out of annoyance, "why do I have to go? cant you do it yourself?" you asked, "and here i thought you might have wanted to go outside, i mean if im trying to get liz, you might have a chance of running away!" you sighed and shoved him off of you "but you'll always find me, but fine, ill go with you." you walked over to the door and grabbed your shoes, and put them on, once you did, you were shoved out of the door and into the car, "woah why are you there in such a hurry?" 

"Well, I was actually supposed to get liz about an hour ago.." He put his seatbelt on and started the car, "ah oka- WHAT? YOU WHAT?!" you whipped your head towards him, he rubbed the back of his neck "i know, but i forgot about it, i mean I was working on the suit with you." you sighed and rested your head on the seat, "so how long until we get there?" you asked, "twenty to thirty minutes, depending on what road we take and the traffic."

The ride there was mostly quiet, every once and a while you would say something, but william never seemed to hear you, once you got there, you walked into the building looking for liz, but you couldnt find her, "hm, usually the daycare attendant is standing here with her." william said, he walked over towards the back where the head office was located, he knocked on the door and it opened, someone greeted william and then they both were inside, **are you fucking kidding me, he just left me out here??** you looked around the daycare looking for liz, as you were doing so, you heard some crying coming from one of the play area's, you opened the gate to get in and started to look for the crying, "hello? who's crying, is everything ok?" you asked, looking in the holes of the playground, the crying stopped, then a very familiar voice spoke up "no one is here go away." you stopped walking and walked towards one of the small castles built there, you looked through the top of it and aw liz, she was hiding her face in her knees, her hair was messy and her clothes are wrinkly, "liz? whats wrong?" you asked her.

She shot her head up, just staring at you before she crawled out, she stood in front of you, "liz you-" you tried to ask her if everything was ok, but she launched at you, which made you fall to the floor, "OH SHIT" you used one hand to cushion the fall, and the other to make sure liz didnt hit the ground, you sighed and looked down at liz, she was crying and rubbing her head into your chest, under your breath you muttered "girl i am not your mom......" she looked up confused and she asked you what you had said, "OH UH NOTHING, HEY LOOK A TOPIC CHANGE" she smiled and got off you, "sorry.." you turned to her and rubbed her head, "you dont needa say sorry liz, but why were you crying?" 

she put her head back down and whispered something, you couldnt hear what she said so you asked again, and she still whispered it, you looked over to see william standing there with the daycare owner, "liz, i really need you to speak up honey." you rubbed her back, she said a little louder "i thought you and daddy forgot about me.." you pulled her into a hug and said "girl you are way to special to forget, we were just busy, ill come get you at the right time next day ok?" she nodded, you let go of her and walked over to william and the owner, liz hugged him and didnt let go, you walked over to him and whispered in his ear "next time you do this shit and im going to castrate you." the daycare owner whipped his head towards you, i guess he heard you.

you smiled at him and said "thank you for watching her past hours, im sorry that we were late, ill try to pick her up on time tomorrow." you patted liz on the head, she ran to the car with william, and you stayed back to talk to the owner, he seemed uncomfortable, "you good?" you asked him, he fixed his stance to seem more stern, "no, i want to know who you are, i dont trust you, i have never seen you pick lizzy up before, how do i know your not trying to kidnap her?" you were taken aback by that comment, "if i was going to kidnap her i would have not came with her own father, and ive just recently been staying with the family to heal this." you lifted up your shit to show the man your side, the bandages were slightly bloody and tangled from not changing them when you woke up, he just stood there, arms no longer folded and mouth wide open, you sighed and wished him the best, and you walked back to the car, liz was already passed out in the bad seat, and william was glaring at the owner of the daycare, "you look like your going to murder that poor guy." you said as you buckled yourself in.

"i might just do that..." he said, "WH- WHAT?"  you said whisper yelling, you turned your head to him, he smiled and said "im joking! could you not tell?" you sighed and rested your head back on the seat.

"Honestly, I can never actually tell if your joking or not..."

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now