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Your eyes opened, **"again with this shit?? HOW MANY TIME AM I GOING TO WAKE UP IN A DIFFERENT PLACE?!"** you screamed in your head, you were propped up on a metal table, your shirt was gone, and there were badges on your waist, someone must have fixed you up.

The door opened as you hopped off the table, a tall skinny pale man stepped in, his voice was low and had a slight British accent. "Oh, you're awake, I wasn't expecting you to wake up this quick." you stood there just staring blankly at him, "you must have a lot of questions, here." he threw a shirt at you, you put it on and followed him out of the room.

He stopped and gestured for you to sit down, you stayed standing, you didn't trust him, he sighed and sat down, "where am I? Who are you and why did you help me??" you asked, he looked up at you and said "well, you are currently in my house, and i helped you because you helped Michael from getting a beating." he rubbed his forehead, "And my name is William." you glared at him "William what?" you said, he sighed and said "William Afton." 

Your legs shook, you felt like throwing up "is everything ok?" he asked you, you looked at the door with a panicked look on your face, "casually" you walk over to the door while saying "yeah im fine! I'll be out of your hair now!" and gulped as you reached for the doorknob, before you turned the knob to open the door William grabbed your hand tightly and spun you around, he threw you on the couch and glared at you, **"oh shit oh fuck"** your eyes were racing around the room incase you needed to run, the only doors you could see were the front door and another door, the one you came out of.

"just by looking at your face and movements, you know me. how." he spoke sternly, he waited for a response, but you stayed quiet, he sighed and slammed his hand down behind your head and was now up close to you "HOW DO YOU KNOW ME." he was loud, and angry, you jumped and yelled out "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID" and you instantly regretted it, you eyes were wide but not as wide as William's eyes were, he recoiled back and stood there, "how.." he was looking down, you were confused so you asked him "what?" and shot back up "HOW, HOW DO YOU KNOW, WERE YOU THERE?!" he looked like he was about to blow a fuse, you stayed quiet, he lunged at you with a knife, before he could reach you, you jumped as quick as possible off the couch and ran to the door.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now