chp 6

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(bro this part is badlty written im sorry-)

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" someone was talking, "~~~yes..~~~" another responded, it took you a second but then you thought "WAIT IM ALIVE, wait.. I could just be a ghost listening to this, but i would have been able to see right? Why cant I see??" then you tried moving your arms, nothing, your legs, still nothing but then, you felt something hit your stomach and you sat up quickly, coughing and grabbing your side, you were warm, very warm, you felt like you were on fire. You opened your eyes and looked up, one of the children you helped was pulling the other one back, He quickly apologized and shoved the smaller one to the side.

You looked at the little girl, she was smacking the boy, he turned around and yelled "LIZ STOP SMACKING ME'' she quickly shot back "WELL THEN LET ME SEE THE MAN'' she pouted, he sighed and said "you can't, he's injured and you JUST jumped on him, so no im not letting you see him or YOU'LL be the cause of his death." the little girl just stood there. You know those faces kids make when they're angry and about to cry? Well that's what she was doing, she quickly turned around and stomped down a hallway and slammed a door shut, you looked back at the boy, he sighed and apologized again, "It's okay...uhm i have a question." you said, You sat up and the boy sat beside you "shoot" he said, you looked down at your hands "i don't mean to seem rude, but may I ask who you are and what i'm doing here?" you looked up at him, and he looked back at you "oh dont worry its not rude at all, i never actually told you my name, It Michael but everyone calls me mike, and well your here to heal over that wicked cut.."

"Ahh...I'm sorry for causing any trouble dude.." you said, he stood up and said "your not causing any trouble, if anything liz is" he walked down the same hall the girl had, you leaned back on the couch, and rested your head on the back of it, **"Why am I still here? Why didn't he kill me?"** you closed your eyes to think more, but you felt that something was off, so you opened them again, "JESUS CHRIST" you scream out, William was standing there, he had a blank look on his face, you gripped onto your shirt, you were staring at him, ready to jump out of the couch again, he smiled and said "oh don't worry, i'm not going to kill you, well at least not now." he slowly made his way towards you, he bent down and whispered into your ear "tell anyone of what ive done, then your death might just be sooner than expected.." he stood back up and walked out of the front door, "I'm going to be gone for a while, I expect you to still be here when im back, even if you do run, I can always find you." and with that, he walked out, closing and locking the door.

You sighed and then you realized, "WAIT YOUR KIDS ARE STILL HERE AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THEM?-" you shouted, but he was already gone, you flopped back down on the couch, and looked over to the right, the little girl was standing there holding a blue and pink bunny, "i can cook." you just stared at her, and started to giggle, "that was a little random" you wiped a tear from your eye and walked over to the girl, "so whats your name sweetie?" she smiled and said "Elizabeth but most people call me Liz, Lizzy, Eli or Beth!" he smile was even bigger now, "alright Liz, well my name is y/n, and its great to meet you" you smiled back at her, then she charged at you and hugged you, you fell back a little bit and put a hand on her back "thank you for helping me and Mikey, I don't think we would have made it out of there without you" you buried her face back into your chest, "oh uhm, no problemo" 

-Time pass-  (RE-WRITTEN PART) 

Liz had sat down beside you a while ago, but had fallen asleep leaning on one of your arms, you didn't mind it at all, she was light so you didn't really feel her, you haven't heard from mike since he had walked down the hallway, your head lightly rested on top of Elizabeth's head, your eyes had closed and you let a long exhale.

The front door had creeped open, and you heard steps, then it closed and locked again, then more footsteps getting closer, you were getting a little creeped out thinking someone was in the house, but then you realized, who the hell locks a door their breaking into, so you calmed down, the footsteps stopped in front of you, then a weirdly calming voice spoke, "how cute..." you kept your eyes shut, you knew who it was now, It was William.

(This was the part I originally had, It came out really weird and I just didnt like it but ill leave it here for those who want to read it)

Liz had put something on on the TV, It was a cartoon you've never heard of, it was very poorly made, but you still wanted to watch it, you heard footsteps coming down one of the hallways, you looked over to see Michael coming around one of the corners, "where's my dad?" Mike said, he leaned on the wall, you looked back over to the TV and said "why what did you need?" you said back, he put a hand on his stomach and said "my baby wants food, and I dont know how to cook, only Dad can really cook." you turned your head slowly to Michael "woah woah woah what did you just say? about your stomach??" you a shocked look on your face, but you were also slightly smiling, "i dont actually have a baby, but it sure does feel like i have one with the amount of hunger im feeling, i haven't eaten all day, and getting beaten up not to long ago kind of made it worse cuz i was focused on fixing myself and Liz up." you slowly moved liz off of your lap.

You made your way over to the kitchen, mike followed, "so what are ya in the mood for kid?" he shrugged, you opened the fridge, and took some stuff out, "i most definitely should not be cooking right now, but i honestly do not care if your dad kills me." mike sat down at the kitchen table and watched as you cooked, you pretty much made him breakfast, eggs, toast and some orange juice, you also made food for William and Elizabeth, Liz woke up and tiredly made her way to the table, sat down and ate 

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