chp 13

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Henry had finally gone back upstairs after getting you and william some blankets and pillows, after a few minutes of arguing with him that you and william would be fine on the couch he left, you sighed and walked over to william, he was now moved over to one of the sides of the couch, you were to  tired to think if he woke up and moved for you, you just sat down and launched the blanket over you and william, you put your feet up to your chest and was about to doze off until you felt a pair of hands wrap around you, you shivered and looked over, william was still asleep, but it looks like he was moving around in his sleep.

you tried to get him to let go of you, but it didnt work, so you gave up, but i guess william was uncomfy, because he moved you closer beside him, you were right up against his chest, you could see part of his bare chest, you tried not to look so you kept averting your eyes, but when you looked over right before falling asleep, you saw williams eyes open, he put your head on his chest and rubbed your head, that made you fall asleep quicker.

When you woke up your side felt, different, it didnt hurt as much as before, something was off, you lifted up your shirt and checked out the wounds, it was bandaged differently, it was more secure, **thats odd, i dont remember changing these?** you thought, just then you felt a hand ride up your shirt which made you jump off of the couch, you turned around quickly to see william giving you a grin, "what the hell afton." you said through your teeth trying to be quiet, he stopped smiling, he leaned back and crossed his feet, he put his arms behind his head and said "so what your able to stare at me and cuddle against me, but im not allowed to check your wound?" 

your face turned crimson, "wh- huh? i wasnt you know like checkingyououtoranythingiwasjustlookingiswearitwasnt-" william interrupted you from rambling on and on, "im joking love." he got up and walked over to you, fixing his shirt and removing his tie, "you know, if we go outside looking like this people might get the wrong idea." he put his hand on your back and started to push you into the bathroom, you stayed quiet even though you had a million questions to ask him. 

he closed the door behind you and locked it, "uh why did you lock it?" you asked, your face was still really red, he turned around not saying anything, there wasnt the normal "asshole" smile on his face, he just stared at you as he made his way closer, he wrapped his hands around you and moved you on top of the toilet lid, you were panicking, your face was red as ever, **OH SHIT ARE WE GONNA DO SOMETHING OR IS HE JUST FUCKING WITH ME?** you asked yourself, he leaned in and went past your lips, he leaned down to your neck and kissed it.

You could hear your heart through your ears, you were gripping onto the lid of the seat, your knees were pointed inward, william got back up and asked you "hows the side holding up darling?"  you stuttered out (sorry) "u-uhm yeah its fine i guess.." you looked down at the floor and crossed your arms, you just wanted to disappear, you felt so embarrassed, "thats good, while you were asleep, i rebandaged it and i might have giving you some "numbing" pills so i could stitch you up.." he let go of you and started to fix his appearance, he combed through his hair with one of the many brushes on the counter, "waitwaitwait, you what?" you lifted up your shirt and held it with your teeth, you tried to undo the bandages but william stopped you, "are you trying to make it worse bye taking off the bandages, i thought you wanted to get away from me." he fixed them and put your shirt back down, he then handed you the brush.

"i do, I want to leave, i miss my friends, i miss my family, but i dont even know how to leave, i dont even know how i got here?!" you paced around the bathroom, you didnt move a lot since the space was small, but you did move, "~~~~~~""hey""~~~~~~~~~""hey..""~~~~~~""HEY." "~~-" you stopped rambling and moving, william grabbed you, he held your wrists tightly, "listen, you'll find a way back home, if you dont then i guess that means you can live with us forever." he let go, you rubbed your hand and sighed, "i dont know if i want that or not.." you let go of your wrist and grabbed the brush again and started to brush your hair, william unlocked the door and went out, he said he was going to go grab liz so by the time you were done "not looking like shit" as he said, they would be ready to go back home.

You walked out of the bathroom, and greeted a very tired lizzy, "hellooo" she said slurring the "o" in her hello, you said hi back and picked her up, "ready to go home?" she nodded and rested her head on your shoulder, she waved by the Charlie that was in the window watching you, you put her into the back of the car and buckled her up, once you did so you got into your side of the car, in the front, you slowly buckled yourself up, you couldnt help but think of the kiss william gave you, **was that real? i think it was! what if he just accidently did that? maybe he just brushed his lips against my neck to grab something?? maybe he didnt realize he was that close to me." you heard william get into the car, you looked over to him, and then went back to staring out of the car window, "hey um william?" you said, he just looked over to you as he started up the car, "yes?" he replied.

"did you...kiss my neck by accident in the bathroom?" you said shyly.

it was quiet for a moment, william had looked back to the road.

"No love, i meant that one." he said.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now